Grease supplement to the smart

The role of fat

The Group of important nutrients and post-exercise body include oil, grease. It is also important for energy supply. Especially the fat also helps for the early development of children's physical and intellectual. In addition, the body wants to absorb and use good vitamins A, D, E, K, then the grease is required.

Animal fat, particularly fat from fish liver and some animal fat mollusk has more vitamin A, D and arachidonic acid needed for the body.

In the first years of life, the child developed and fast growth both physically and mentally. The lack of fat in the diet affect the daily function of many organs in the body, especially the nervous Agency. Therefore, with the children, the diet should ensure enough fat.

Why should children eat both vegetable oil and animal fat?

Nutrition doctor Le Thi Hai (National Institute of nutrition) said: "vegetable oils or animal fats are fats that constitute but they have differences. In many vegetable oils fatty acids yet no useful to the body. But vegetable oils leave very little or almost no arachidonic acid-a no no fatty acids needed and has many important roles. Acids are found in animal fats.

Besides, the fat of vegetable oil is due to the unsaturated acid, complexes of the meat fat is kind of "dangerous fats". If for baby use many animal fats easily lead to cardiovascular disease or obesity.

When preparing dinner, mothers often fret choose to use vegetable oil or animal fat. The best way if you want additional fat in the diet of baby oil, cooking a dinner is packed across the transition to cooking grease ".

Used oil/fat in the baby's meal as what is reasonable?

Adds Navy doctor: The mother should balance the ratio between animal fats with vegetable fats should be 70% and 30%.Some way more oil/grease as simple as follows, the mother can refer to:

Cooking oil

The dish or cooked porridge, North from the kitchen, I can mix a few spoons cooking oil/olive oil/sesame oil into the child's food. This is one of the best fat for the body.

Mayone Sauce

It is also a solution to add fat to your meal. In 100 g fat-loaded 79g have mayone sauce. When children eat bread or vegetable sauce mix, parents can mix mayone but should not be too much abuse.

Peanut butter

In 100 g peanuts, there are 50 g of fat. Parents can peanut butter icing up bread for my breakfast. But as recommended, each week, the baby should only eat peanut butter 2 times.


In 100 g of cheese has a fat 33g. Parents can give baby to eat a piece of cheese in the afternoon snacks, or for baby will eat bread cheese scanner is also very good.

Avocado Smoothie

In 100 g of butter, fruit flesh contains 17 g fat. Fat in avocados are very good for the health of your baby. Every day, my mother feeding a small butter Smoothie cups, would be very good for the baby.

The note when the oil/fat meal for your child:

Should not reuse the oil, fat, fried and fried flavors were: the grease when it took over the processing has just lost many important nutrient medium susceptible to bacterial infection.

Restricted feeding food fried (or spin) available in addition to or apart from the sidewalk: types of food like Donuts, potato cake, banana bread, chicken, duck, spin ... not sure of hygiene and of course would not be good for the digestive system in which the baby's premature.

Do not buy the kind of fat loss package available in markets: the best, you should choose to purchase and processing animal fat from fresh pork fat.

When processing fats, should not maintain temperature too high. Fried, limited to oil too hot. At a temperature of not more than 100độ C, reported no significant change in addition to liquefy. If long term heat at high temperature than unsaturated fatty acids, will be losing the oxidation effects are useful for the body, at the same time transformed into harmful substances.

Absolutely do not use greasy fry fried away were bred several times in high temperatures. Many parents still regret of fried egg, fried, frozen when the left many oil, stir-fry cooking. This is how to open the way for dangerous diseases, especially cancer.

I remember these type of Youtiao, Donuts ... If the parents see the oil pan is not in, but switch to black, parents should not buy for the eating!=



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