Handling when young fight

1. Ignore

If the fight is only a mild touch of the child together, does not cause serious impacts then please ignore. Will self to heal together without adult intervention.

2. Encourage and praise children when they are in harmony with each other

To see older harmony and playing happily with each other, parents should praise you. The child can hear me, but this praise is very important. Please be mindful of children behave well as we ask, don't leave when the child causing the wood together interested new children. Because many children would like to draw the attention of parents by disruptive or pissed.

3. Limit games and controversial "hands" with your life

The child is the mirror reflection method in family life. Kids learn live in harmony from the parents. Don't expect children to behave well, if adults don't do the example for them.

4. Create a living environment in harmony

Both the father and the mother must together build a family atmosphere of harmony between the siblings. Teach children that life harmony, cooperating with siblings is very important. Need to abstain for a child to play the games or the activities stimulate the fight. The environment harmony is good to cradle shape the personality of the child.

5. Teach children know peace

Parents need to teach children how to deal with disputed situations. When the kids were calm again and more open, be confided to me about fighting situations before. The parents ask the view has any other choice better than the fight with no siblings. Help children brainstorm to think to test this out.

6. Refrain from the reaction before the game fight

When parents are forced to intervene should keep calm attitude. If we're angry and impatient for older children, the more we actually make kids tend to anger and will ... fight more.

7. make love more children

Let's manifest the love of the same brand for older children through words, and more importantly, is in action. The child feels himself to be loved is often less fair tends to cause a fight.=



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