Harmful effects of roi for small children

1. Children with psychological damage

According to research recently published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal of Canadian scientists, this research is synthesized from related studies throughout the past 20 years and, according to Joan Durant-a professor at the University of Manitoba, is also one of the leaders in scientific research for that There is a lot of evidence to prove the child was frequently going hurt long-term psychotherapy.

2. Reduce the intelligence in the child

When comparing the average IQ of the child's parents were often taught by roi with other children, the scientists of the University of New Hampshire have discovered that they have a lower IQ than the other children.

The scientists said the education methods of parents not only help form the personality of the child later that also have a great impact on the development and perfect the brain's thinking ability.

3. Children suffer stress, fear

Children who live in families in which parents often imposed, getting them to do what their parents want or of the family of the phenomenon of domestic violence, child abuse ... the rate of children trapped stress, or stress, fear is quite high.

4. become more aggressive Kids

The results obtained from a large study of Columbia University in New York has shown, children suffered at age 5 often become aggressive and later, they proved worthless discipline in school and potentially less words the other children.

Professor Michael MacKenzie, who headed the research, said: "almost every child beaten in a few months time. That is because there is no connection between the parents and the children. "

The study by scientists at Columbia University are made with the participation of 1,900 children from 20 cities in the United States. The researchers collected data on the parents to have their child or not and judging how often how when babies aged from 3 to 5. The researchers also recorded the turbulent behavior of the child and the child's attitude after being hit.

Data collected that is has 57% of mothers and 40% of fathers said they ever did when the kids 3 years old. That percentage dropped to 52% 33% of mothers and fathers did at the age of 5. Unfortunate is in age of 5 older become more aggressive and behave even worse than after being hit.

Instead of yelling, parents should calmly listen unspeakable joy, the views of the child. If they do wrong, need only specific explanations to the child, understand what is happening, from which the child aware of yourself doing is wrong and try to fix. Or can also apply some soothing sanctions not hurting that retentive young led the more effective a battle of "rain".=



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