Help parents weaned night for kids

Baby House, 29 years old, I'm still breastfeeding (breastfeeding). Every night is feeding about 3 (12 g, 1 g, 5 g light night light), 2 minutes 4. If not breastfeeding, baby crying so much. Is there a way for baby night weaning?


DR Nguyen Lan Attached (dietitian) reply:

Baby sister home get regular health monitoring in place of a medical authority would not. The hospital, a prestigious Medical Center always has doctors, nutrition experts Guide and nourish your baby sister grow in the right direction.

This was the age of regrowth of teeth 20 enough milk. But the milk teeth is young but has a special food needs with the chewing of food was rather than feeding, milk drinking. Usually after 12 months also just for the baby to drink about 2-3 cups or as long as 200 ml/day.

Feeding habits of the night only justified in those early months time after the birth, when babies have yet to clearly distinguish day and night. The case of the mother has enough milk to breastfeed my mother could coax the child in a way that is most convenient.

The feeding of the average night, not "dessert" with filtered water after feedings, baby teeth will hemorrhage prone GAM; parents then have to wake, milkshake, not sleeping was asleep, affect health.

In the process of raising, teaching, the first when wanting to "weaning the night", is set for baby sleep crib or bed, placed in the same room with parents, coax for your baby to sleep, the baby will know his real parents not far away, if the baby waking at night nor fear.

Children up 2 years, being self assertion, likes to do many things, but also need parents or adult help. She should just "PM" at any rate, is not always what you want baby and crying to be will be met. Should baby eat, sleep, wash time, and have good habits.

The kid's meal includes special food nutritional balance.

Balanced nutrients for your baby in a day as follows:

Protein: 16 g, the equivalent of 200-400 ml milk comes with 30 g of meat. FAT: baby 2-3 years of age need about 30% fat in the total energy into the baby's body each day, has enough oil and fat for the meal, and especially on the last meal, sleep, sleep straight new does not wake up. Vitamin C: about 40 mg; Vitamin A: 400mg, equivalent to 4 part fruit and vegetables every day. Calcium: 200-800mg, about 2 cups of milk per day. In addition, feeding more 1 box yogurt (on 100 ml per day). Iron: 10 mg; Zinc compounds: 10 mg (zinc and iron rich foods are meat, eggs, aquatic products).

On the afternoon of 2-3 g: can one dish feeding as: 1 cup of oatmeal or 1 Small cake; milk (about 200 ml) ... In addition, feeding more kinds of fresh fruit or fresh fruit juice drink.

Need more interest to last baby's Day breakfast, about 2 hours before bed to help the baby no longer to wake up early in the morning. She may also be tempted by holding your baby, for a drink of water, do not mix milk, baby sleep is so thirsty rather than hungry ... milk.

Dinner: choose the main menu for making crushed rice boy (at this stage, your baby may eat are rice ragged for the main meal at the same time eat porridge in the extra breakfast). Crushed rice (about 1.5 back bowl of rice), legumes, meat, eggs, fish and vegetables, tuber to another, similar to the menu of the adults but less quantity. About 8 pm: can more feeding 1 cup small porridge, milk (about 200 ml); sour milk (1 can), cakes ...

She should file her brushing habits to protect teeth.=



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