His mother's incisions healed quickly elected after b.

Moving gently

His mother's incisions heal quickly after the election.

Gentle walking can help a woman more recovery quickly. Walking also helps relieve constipation, prevent blood clots and increase blood circulation throughout the body.

Walk softly giuos also strengthens the immune system and help prevent the disease after a caesarean as pneumonia. Experts recommend that parents should sit up and gentle mobilization after 24 hours of laying your operation.

Abdominal support

After a caesarean, the activities such as coughing, sneezing, laughing ... can cause very sore mom. Use a small, soft pillows to help relieve pain and prevent the risk of calves being cracked. If the operating language that breast-feeding should immediately use pillows to support your children tu ti instead of hugging the child directly on the abdomen.

Keep the incision clean

Parents should note the incision hygiene lay as clean as possible and spacious dressing to reduce the risk of infection. Parents also should only hand motion on the incision when the hands clean and at instead of the State, not to be arbitrarily touch too many times.

A woman must also preserve the maximum to avoid colds, flu, because when that resistance will decrease and the risk of infection will increase.

Spacious dressing

Spacious dressing prevent irritation to the incision and reduces the risk of infection of incision lays.

Warm cold

Parents can use a soft cotton towel, warm to ice down the incision. Warm towel will increase blood circulation to the incision helps in faster recovery incisions.

Eat properly

The mother after birth should have a balanced diet with more whole grains, green leafy vegetables, fruit, dairy, protein ... will help the incision and the body quickly recovered.

Should lying after b.

After the caesarean, you should tilt to the side to avoid pain.

After the caesarean, you should tilt to one side to avoid being hurt due to the womb muscle spasms and prevent vomiting. In time the incision was restored, you need to pay attention to activities such as bow down or stand up sit down.=



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