How to cure a baby's mouth that simple heat efficiency

1. Honey

When the heat was the mouth, mom can use honey to heal him. Nursery shut up honey cotton absorbent swab or honey in place of ulcers. This is the classic method in folklore and many parents use to cure mouth heat. Many studies show that honey solution 30% can inhibit or destroy most of the fungi and bacteria, sweet easy drinking.

2. kudzu Powder

Drink powder of Kudzu on 2 times will help reduce pain and irritation from the mau in the case affected the heat light mouth.

3. Drink sour Carambola fruit

Contract law is one of the fruits have effect the bar very high heat. You can apply an "article" simple, benign, not this side effect: Use 2-3 serves fresh fruit, pounding, pour boiling water on a submerged at, maybe for less sugar if the baby won't sour drink, wait when chilling nursery shut up and swallow slowly. Nursery shut up many times during the day. You should select the type of star fruit tart, cooling effects will better sweet star fruit.

4. Tomato

You will be surprise with the effect of tomatoes in the thermal cure mouth. However, don't use that cooked fresh tomatoes to force took to drinking water. Just after drinks tomato juice during the day, you will see the sign of the heat baby's mouth sores heal pitches fast clearly.

5. Orange juice, lemon

Orange, lemon juice itself not "special treatment" to cure mouth heat. However, they contain a lot of vitamin C should be able to enhance the resistance to the body, help your child overcome the disease caused by viruses, bacteria (in which the heat of the mouth). You can give your baby to drink 1 glass of orange or lemon juice squeezed daily. However, don't let your baby drink when hungry bellies.

6. Coconut

Crush several pieces of coconut, then grilled for baby and gargle for about 3 to 4 times per day. The sores caused by the heat of the mouth will reduce inflammation swelling rapidly.

7. For baby shut up acrid fluid

Acrid fluid is antiseptic (antibacterial, antiviral) should be very quick heal sores spots due to the heat. You don't need to search anywhere , the benign acrid fluid, very easy to make in the wild. For example, water Lemon Basil, green tea, mango bark ... Nursery shut up a SIP green tea in the water for about 5-10 minutes and then let go, baby will help many pains.

8. sweet vegetables: Leaf

You clean the sweet vegetables, crushed, pressed his retirement leaves only retrieved, juice with little honey. Use the swab the mixture and then obliterate the pain swelling, sores to baby's. One day you can obliterate 2-3 times. Sweet vegetable leaves have alleged the grass-like effects of pot. According to Oriental medicine, the leaves and roots of sweet vegetables are cool effects in blood, blood plasma, diuretic, detoxifying.

9. beet Juice

You pounding 300 g radishes, filtered through with boiled water, and gargle for baby from 2-3 times a day. These sores ulcers will subside and the baby will feel more pleasant.

10. Centella, the silks

The mother can cook the vegetable juice or water for baby corn stubble-cheeked drinking water change filter. CENTELLA silks, water has the effect of relieving sore swollen mouth caused by heat.

Some tips to prevent oral temperature for children:

-establish good habits for little in daily living activities like the rest have time, not to stay up late for baby, baby eating right now and not eating too no.

-Good oral hygiene, brushing baby instructions properly, to avoid hurting the mucosa. Parents can file for the habit of gargling with warm salt water daily by the salt water with the appropriate concentrations, moderate warm mode will work good antiseptic, clean the oral cavity, pharynx, tonsils.

-For baby food diet, especially in the summer.

-Always cover when the baby, not to shut up the colors or to hand to the mouth. When feeding the mother pressed the child should not eat too because of the ease of making sexual harassment baby, panic and bite on the tongue.=



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