How to take care of the most malnourished children, help the baby gain weight, not worry about stunting

According to the National Institute of Nutrition, the rate of stunting malnutrition in children under 5 in Vietnam is 23.8% (in 2017). This rate has decreased over the years but is still high compared to other Asian countries.

The disease is common in children under 5 years old, most commonly in the ages of 6-24 months. However, the child may be malnourished since he was a fetus in the womb.

First, parents need to know the signs of malnourished children. According to the National Institute of Nutrition, malnourished children have 7 manifestations as follows:

- Poor eating and often digestive disorders with phenomena such as diarrhea, live feces.

- No weight gain and even signs of weight loss.

- Small atrophy due to loss of the subcutaneous fat layer.

- Loose hair, easily broken and discolored.

- Bland meat and fat atrophy arm.

- pale skin.

Malnutrition affects the physical development of children in the future.

Parents should monitor their weight and height regularly. Children who gain weight monthly are a sign of importance to show that children are developing healthy. Children with weight gain are an alarming sign of health and nutrition.

For healthy, term babies, the average birth weight is about 3kg. If the child is born full term but weighs less than 2.5kg, the child is malnourished to protect the fetus. A child develops normally, after 6 months of weight doubling, 12 months of weight is 3 times higher than at birth.

In the first 3 months, the child grows very fast: increase 1-2 kg / month. In the next 3 months, children increase by 500-600g / month. The next 6 months only increased by 300-400g / month. By 1 year of age children are 3 times heavier at birth. From 2 - 10 years old, an average increase of 2-3kg / year.

The average height of babies is about 50cm. In the first 3 months after childbirth, about 3cm / month increase; 4-6 months increased by 2-2.5cm / month; 7-9 months increased by 2cm / month; 10-12 months increase 1-1.5 cm / month. By the age of 1 year, the height increases 1.5 times compared to the time of birth (about 75cm high), then an average of 1 year of children increases 5-7cm / year until puberty.

Parents can monitor their child's height and weight to see if their child is developing normally, in accordance with the index given by the researchers.

In the case of malnourished children, how should parents take care of their children?

Children should be exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months and continue to breastfeed up to 2 years. In the case of mother's lack of milk or milk loss, children need to be supplemented with formula milk by month of age. Because calcium in milk is more easily absorbed in other foods. The amount of calcium absorbed in this stage greatly affects the growth of the bones and the height of the child.

For children from the 7th month showing signs of malnutrition, in addition to breastfeeding, children need to be fed weaning, the number of meals per day increases with the number of months. For example, at 6 months, the mother gives her 1 meal of dough / day, 7-9 months of eating 2-3 dough, 10-12 months of eating 3-4 dough meals.

Children aged 1-2 years apart from breastfeeding need to eat 4 more meals a day. Drink 400-500ml of milk daily (if not with breast milk). Children from 3-6 years old feed 5-6 meals / day.

She also needs to pay attention to the quality of her meals by choosing the fresh and delicious foods. Give children to boil and drink boiled, do not let children eat food overnight. A child's meal needs all kinds of foods like vegetables, fish meat .

Regularly changing food so that children do not get bored, help them recognize the taste of food and have more interest in meals.

Besides, you should not force your child to eat up the amount of food prepared for your baby in one meal. Parents can calmly consider what food they like to eat, do not like anything to adjust their daily menu. In particular, should not be intimidated to force the baby to eat, he will develop psychological resistance and do not want to eat.



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