Mother suffering when looking at the more raised children dwarfed, suddenly discovered that this habit makes the beloved grow slowly

Drink lots of carbonated soft drinks

Many mothers who love their children and their children are so happy that they like to eat freely without knowing the good and bad. In the composition of carbonated soft drinks has a bad effect on the organs in the body and also weakens the bones of the baby. If the mother wants her child to develop an indispensable height a strong, strong bone system Need to say no when babies drink carbonated soft drinks regularly, it is best to stay away from this drink.

Do not let children out in the sun

The composition of vitamin D is an essential factor to help your baby grow in height. In addition to this vitamin supplement it is difficult to absorb with food but only synthesized much under the skin when exposed to the early morning sun so that the baby can absorb vitamin D naturally.

Drinking lots of young soft drinks will be short

Many mothers are afraid of sunstroke, sickness, and psychology of many children today who just like to sit and play computer and electronics for hours in the house, rarely going out to contact nature so missed the opportunity tall from natural sunshine, the weaker the baby, the shorter he gets

Sitting for hours

The fact that your baby is lazy, has little activity on the limbs sitting on the chair for too long, and sitting in the wrong posture will inhibit the height development of the child, making it difficult for children to develop the correct height. So I don't hesitate to let my child run and play, have fun with my friends even though he can be mischievous, have lots of sweat, dirty clothes . that makes my mother uncomfortable but this will be good for his bones and joints. Help older children be more active every day.

Children who sleep early enough will be taller

Stay up late, lack of sleep

Many families have a habit of letting children stay up late with their parents, only when their parents go to bed will their children sleep. But staying up late affects the height development of children, especially in pre-puberty and puberty periods. 90% of bone development in children takes place during sleep, especially from 10-12 hours daily. So, the mother should let her baby sleep deeply and have enough sleep, the pituitary will be stimulated to secrete Growth hormone increases the height to help the baby have long legs.



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