Na fever, you ban the damn food and drink juices

The children)-Na home children were over 1 years old then, but I still keep this care for each child when your fever or sickness. I see the recover quite fast the mom.[links]

Hi mother Jin and the sisters have small children!

Today is the first time I participate in writing articles to share with mother category on Phunutoday. In the afternoon, before melting facility, children read of parents angry with him that Jin's sister.

Don't know how you time your Township has to think of the lack of science? Because when ill, also need to quit nọt eat more than usual, then against Ms. again the fasting?

Right from when I was very little Na-born milk should almost the drink milk out. Maybe that's why the immune system of children healthy by the baby was feeding breast milk? NA I home or being sick and Lam

I don't eat like that, why are healthy enough to defend her husband's illness. I really don't understand your Township. In contrast she is the mother that don't know How to take the ill. I don't understand why you don't eat rice as Jin Jin baby like that just must take care to eat porridge?

According to you, when sick children eat rice or porridge are but should give the fed do more packed to the feel good, not afraid to eat my sister.

I'm currently raising children is under 1 year old Baby home. children are girls and when at home, both still call you by the name baby is intimate Na. Right from when I was very little Na-born milk should almost the drink milk out.

Maybe that's why the immune system of children healthy by the baby is breast-feeding? NA I home or being sick and fever. Because the couple I very partridges in the care of the child we slightly abuse when you copy is ahead to your doctor visit.

Usually when the fever, in addition to the prescription medicine and child care according to the specialist then you try food processing routine slightly thinner.

In addition, when a fever or illness, I Na also lost many of the strength seen so children and both try to eat several times a day and for the hot food Na. Often the children to new foods food do Na and instant hand because my body at that pretty weak.

The special thing than I would like to share with my mother, like many other mother is Jin you damn people banned for Na drink the juice that is only for for for Na drinking water filter. Both brothers originally also vehemently opposed this because of that I don't know how to take care of you.

My husband is also constantly telling children not to eat when conservative fruit or fruit juice as a fever. My husband said that when ill, children as right for Na to eat more fruit or drink more fruit juices such as orange, mango, papaya, watermelon, ...

I banned the hell people give food or drink fruit juice Na fruit that just for for for drinking water filter water, Na, vegetable Ratatouille.

But I don't listen to as the husband in this case. Because, as far as I know, for Na to eat fruits and fruit juice the moment the special sauce side of science.

Drink this water, the stuff just gets hot again just contain too many lines. But when there is too much sugar in the body are at the fever will cause white blood cells to slow more than germ, the long cured.

Therefore, though he said Township, I also determined only for the positive drinking water filter to avoid dehydration and eliminates the toxins into the body much easier when you have the required amount of water. Besides, you also give your child drink plenty of water spinach, vegetable soup to help reduce fever and cooler.

Up to now I've been home more than 1 Na years old then, but I still keep this care for each child when your fever or sickness. I see the recover quite fast the mother husband after comments by his wife are also bored and fall in the status "not crave suggestions." But personally I see also confidence is this care of children have the scientific basis of the mother?  =



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