Nourishes the digestive system, stomach, healthy baby help

Most of the parents who are experiencing anxiety, faced with the unpleasant symptoms related to digestion such as vomiting reflux, reflux of food, full abdomen, constipation or diarrhea in the early stages of the child's life. Learn the scientific knowledge to understand the digestive system is also incomplete of the baby, from which there are handled calmly based on scientific nutritional knowledge will help parents peace of mind and belly, baby care for incapacitated as 1 digestive specialists. Identify food reflux syndrome In the early stages of his life, digestive organs are also less stable should be very sensitive and due to the esophageal tube mechanism connected to the intestinal tract causing vulnerable young always open food reflux after eating. Also during this period, the small intestine is also fragile, easily scratched when contractions, causing risk of digestive disorders that lead to diarrhea or contaminated with toxic substances into the blood via intestine capillaries. To curb the situation, parents should divide the adjusted distance between meals, not abrupt food changes, supplements of Vitamin A and C ... to boost immunity, help develop connective tissue, improve the functions of the digestive organs, help children to comprehensive development.

Parents should adjust the distance between the meals, select additional nutritional sources suits, help children to improve digestive function (artwork)

Reduce bad constipation is common in older When the baby begins to get acquainted with the weaning babies, very prone to constipation caused by the digestive system not yet acquainted is the process of absorbing food. Symptoms such as hardware, hard bowel movements will make the baby always full belly, irritability and anorexia.

To help prevent baby constipation, parents should choose easy food digestion, strengthening the fiber are beneficial and complementary water and pure fruit juices, help the small intestine which is still very fragile not overwork, osmosis is the nutrients needed before completely push the food down to the dregs the large bowel to digestion. Besides, parents can also opt for formula milk has nutrients Tummy Care Supplement fiber soft stool and helps GOS foam, preventing constipation and enhancing efficiency of bacterial resistance. Nutrition science link fun belly, baby health Have to say, almost all young children have the risk of gastrointestinal symptoms in the early stages of his life. However according to TS.BS Nguyen Anh Tuan, Secretary of the Association of Pediatric Hepatology digestive Vietnam has only about 5% is directed to the dangerous disease. In other cases, may settle, adjust through the use of nutritional knowledge, set mode to take care of digestive system in a way that's sensitive to science.

With formula milk nourishment Nutrition Care is Tummy easy digestion and absorption, good for the digestive system of the child (artwork)

TS.BS Nguyen Anh Tuan also pointed out that, because the digestive system has not yet perfected by small children or sensitive to lactose, should the child prone to bloating, indigestion when tolerated the food contains lactose and palm oil. Nutritional ingredients supplements include 100% Whey Protein hydrolysis shredded nutrients from the Tummy Care is considered the most advanced solutions, help your baby belly relaxed, no longer feeling obstacles along the abdomen, bloating, feeling hungry and wanted to eat. The double flour mixture containing lactose are low in nutrients Tummy Care also helps to prevent diarrhea. At the same time, the amount of fat, the same amount of fiber are beneficial GOS, will help ease intestinal contractions, increased absorption of fat and calcium, making soft stools and increase wiped scum feed.=



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