Nutrition for babies during weaning

When you feel the baby's head was hard (adult without using the hands of support after the paperback), which is the time you can start weaning him. Also, a few other signs such as the baby can sit firmly without the help, she found it difficult to bear after feeding breast milk, curious to see other people are eating something or boy usually woke starvation ... also shows that your child is ready to step into the time of weaning.

Nutrition for babies during weaning

File for use outside the food

Feeding alternative milk, food miles from when the child was 6 months old is the effective method to the child may be familiar with the taste of other foods in addition to breast milk. The parents should let children get acquainted with the previous formula milk to the baby can gradually adapt and try new foods such as porridge, flour, ...

The kids used the food out so did help children adjust to the average breastfeeding or eat with spoons. When the kids have accepted eating out then the weaning then will become easier.

The first phase when weaned young definitely will have the appetite breast milk should you notice tapered feeding time, number of times of day to breast-feed the child avoid the feeling was nervousness and irritability. In contrast, the amount of food also will be slowly ascending to become familiar to the child.

Use of external feed help children familiar with the taste of other foods in addition to breast milk

Food and vegetables to your baby porridge when start weaning

For baby food must be finely chopped and cooked quinces. When cooked, should avoid wedge spices such as chilli, pepper, Msg:, salt ... too much because the spices will cause little difficulty eating. In addition, you also should not use too many of these oils, animal fat to prepare food for the baby.


Vegetables are used as weaning foods for children should have a natural sweet flavor and smooth when pureed. For example, carrots are rich in beta-carotene is great food to help her mother weaned to baby. In addition, parents can use potato, pumpkin, radish for baby weaning ... Pumpkin pumpkin easily digestible and seldom cause allergy. Meanwhile, the beets provided a large amount of starch, fiber and antioxidants such as vitamins C and E.

Sweet potato and potato are the source of potassium, vitamin C and fiber. They can be processed along with many kinds of vegetables for baby food more easily.

Broccoli is an excellent source of vitamin C and also contain beta-carotene, folic acid, iron, potassium and cancer-fighting ingredients. A broccoli good for is cleaning water or use a microwave because broccoli when boiled in water will lose about half the Vitamin C in it. If the baby does not eat the pods, you can mix the steamed broccoli with a vegetable is sweet as sweet potato or pumpkin.

Tuy, the mother should pay attention, should not only have the baby to eat a vegetable, tuber, result in a long time because that will cause the feeling of appetite for baby. Instead, you can use a variety of different vegetables to make the dish more diverse in color, this is a very important factor to help stimulate appetite in children. The green vegetables and tubers like with children are the experts in nutrition recommend that mothers should use as many sweet potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, Zucchini, spinach (spinach, spinach).

Eggs, meat, fish

Protein-rich eggs so the need for the development of the child. However, absolutely do not eat eggs that have not been thoroughly cooked because as such, children are very susceptible to salmonella infections, food poisoning or allergies.

Lean meat is also helping foods for baby protein supplements. In addition, in the fish contain a type of omega-3 is very beneficial for human health and good for brain development in the first years of life. But you need to note when feeding fish, need to be cautious to avoid hormone baby bones. You should only feeding the fish not containing mercury such as tuna, cod, sardines, avoid these types of fish such as shark, swordfish or marlin. Before processing the fish need washed, cooked thoroughly to reduce the risk of poisoning children.


When start weaning, control the currency loaded salt in the diet of young children is very important. Every day you should only limit to at most a 1 g steamed baby salt, excess salt intake by the body right from a young age will cause the kidney disease dangers later. What kind of food you need much salt restrictions for older children is the salt pork, sausages, butter.

The type of result

Apple is very easy to digest and have small smooth texture when mashed, very suitable for baby weaning. The Brat diet (bananas, rice, including apples and toast) are the recommended doctors in the prevention and cure of the diarrhea. Because the components in Apple as pectin, a soluble fiber that helps fight diarrhea results.

Papaya is rich in nutrients and easy to eat, simple processing, so it is the ideal food during weaning baby. Papaya is rich in vitamin C and beta-carotene, soluble fiber. Papaya also contain enzymes that aid in digestion, helps baby to digest easier.

Bananas contain up to 8 types of essential amino acids that the human body does not synthesize, eleven minerals and 6 vitamins necessary for the development of physical and intelligence of the child. In particular, bananas contain several tyrosine has a positive role for the quick ability to learn and to regulate the activity of the cardiovascular system, especially for small children.

Dream is the source of beta-carotene and fiber, iron and potassium abundantly for baby's meal. Thanks for doing the amount of soluble fiber that that dream is considered the natural laxative article, helps baby to digest more easily.

Blueberries are rich in vitamin C and also contain beta-carotene. Anthocyanin pigments in blue of blueberries help protect us against cancer. Blueberries have the highest antioxidant capacity of all the fruits. They are known as fruits good for the development of the child's height and weight.


-You should limit for direct contact with the mother's breast. This does not mean isolation with older will effective because such large changes are easy to do affect the spirit of the child.

-Stimulate the child's appetite for the dish by the baby to join in the meal of the whole family. Should not pressed the baby eating will become a pressure, the fear for the baby. Should be divided into several small meals and create a fun atmosphere when feeding.

-When feeding fish, you need to be cautious to avoid bone and failure should only feeding the fish not containing mercury such as tuna, cod, sardines, avoid these types of fish such as shark, swordfish or marlin. When cooked, the fish need washed, cooked thoroughly to reduce the risk of food poisoning.

-For new baby weaning, you need add sugar feeding restriction, by the way can be the cause of cavities and unintended weight for the baby. To replace the baby for currency loaded lines, you should be feeding more fruits like bananas or sugar mash the papaya.

-If you drink water for results, select the type of pure fruit juice instead of adding sugar or fruit cocktail juices. About calorie intake, they are equivalent to each other, but the amount of vitamins and minerals in the water, pure fruit juices definitely higher than the rest.

-Some parents often have the habit of feeding honey instead of sugar to eat. However, you should limit by honey is also a form of sugar. If feeding honey too early will create these types of bacteria harmful to the digestive system is immature. Thus, you should only let baby eat honey from last 1 years limited quantities.=



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