Pregnant women should eat na, note when eating well for both mother and baby

Can pregnant women eat?

Pregnant food na not only supplement a lot of beneficial vitamins and minerals also help improve the digestive system, good for the heart.

Na is a fruit rich in vitamins and minerals that benefit the health of pregnant mothers. The harvest time is from the end of July to the beginning of August each year.

Na contains many vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for health.

According to many studies, in 100gram na contains up to 15mg of vitamin C; 0.075mg of vitamin B1; 0.086mg of vitamin B2; 0.5mg of vitamin B3; 17.6mg of calcium; 80-101 calories; 20gr carbohydrates; 0.007 carotene; 0.5gr fat; 0.9gr fiber; 0.42mg of iron; 68gr protein and 14.7mg phosphorus.

Another advantage is that the fruit does not contain saturated fat and cholesterol is low in sodium, so it is suitable for both dieters or those who intend to lose weight.

Benefits of eating na during pregnancy

Na is a good food for pregnant women because it helps control mood, prevent morning sickness, and numbness. In addition, vitamin B6 in the body helps control nausea in pregnant women.

Pregnant women often eat na will increase the source of breast milk. Frequent eating also helps mothers limit the risk of miscarriage, stillbirth and some other dangerous complications.

Na is also an abundant source of copper. Pregnant women are recommended to use about 1,000 micrograms of copper a day to avoid the risk of premature birth.

Currently being a time to enter the main season, pregnant mothers can take advantage of this time to add a healthy fruit to their meal menu.

Pregnant women with low birth weight can take regular supplements to improve their weight. However, pregnant mothers with gestational diabetes should limit their intake to avoid increasing blood sugar leading to other dangerous complications.

An average fruit can provide 1/5 of the amount of vitamin C that the body needs every day. Thus this fruit is considered to be very useful in strengthening the immune system of humans, especially pregnant women.

Sources of vitamins A and C in the fruit are extremely important in supporting the formation and development of the eyes, skin, hair, and blood tissues of the fetus. Moreover, regular eating can also improve the immune system, nervous system and benefit the fetal brain development.

Notice for pregnant women when eating na

Although it contains many vitamins and minerals, it brings health benefits, however, women should keep in mind the following points:

- Only eat cooked na. The unripe fruit will taste bitter and can cause digestive problems

- Do not swallow or bite broken nuts because inside the seeds contain toxins that can cause gastrointestinal toxicity.



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