Prepare 1: teach your child to recognize the letters

Learning the alphabet through songs

Before understanding words, baby boy should know about each letter. Should start with the alphabet in songs such as "o round as chicken egg" ... Or sing the alphabet in English.

Take along baby singing in the bath, when dressed, when sitting. Eventually she's going in the song that his mother taught. At the same time, she understands as there are letters in each sentence.

Baby identified letters would be a good start for the learning process.


Help your baby get an fastest letters is written it out. You write each letter a up whiteboards (or writing up the cover plate, hanging on the wall).

Should start with capital letters, because the baby can get confused if you teach both lowercase and capital letters at the same time (for example, the letter "A" and "a" is a word but confusing).

Teaching a word at a time

The focus of teaching a baby by selecting a signature theme of study each day. Write and read her letters out to baby imitating you.

Use the pieces of card

Buy the card pieces have printed letters; Or you DIY craft paper (craft paper baby slice by hand, on each sheet of paper, write a word in uppercase, then sew the pieces of paper left by kim, staple, or only if the hardcover is perforated and the string mcover ).


Take advantage of every opportunity to show the baby the letters around. For baby to see the letters on the cover of magazines at the bookstore. When the mother walking city, only for the baby to see the store name, body ... Make the cake into the shape of the letters and gave the baby to have cake letter that baby likes.

Adults need to change the method of playing with older, starting from what the child likes or has had little experience, such superhuman game: Draw or use paintings, pictures, fantasy wrestling as super human ... There are 2, 3 or 4 (for older feel familiar with the icons, each figure has a code superheroes is the numbers). Each was named young superheroes (including Superman, name those letters, start from letter..).

At this time, the lesson of letters turn into games, children must remember the name Superman with a first letter, last ... regarded as the encryption. This help children concentrate better memory, recognize letters a lot faster than the method just for kids learn letters in each. Can also ask what Superman (what color shirt, like what to eat ... to force the child to focus attention without feeling imposed, be reminded). As such, through the game to learn.=



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