She elected should complement the fish on the menu

Reduce the risk of premature birth and postpartum depression

Omega 3 fat abundant in fish as well as sea food provides necessary nutrients for her vote and help infants healthy development. In the early stages of pregnancy, eating fish good for health because it helps reduce elected her risk of premature birth and low birth weight and reduce the risk of postpartum depression.

Eating fish good for health because it helps her vote she elected to avoid many problems such as being immature, depressed, ...

Help for your child

She elected to eat more fish also helps increase the intelligence in children. In contrast, if she elected not to sea food supplements during pregnancy, can slow the process of brain development of the foetus.

Experts advise that she elected should eat about 340 grams per week of cooked seafood. Note that the fish must be cooked above 100° C and must be sanitary bactericide before processing. However, you should limit eating canned tuna because of high mercury content. The other seafood should vote her supplements are shrimp, fish, crabs, snails ...

Help parents vote less anxiety

Survey of scientists at the UNIVERSITY of Bristol (uk) and the Federal UNIVERSITY of Rio de Janero (Brazil) published in the journal Plos One shows the use of the fish can help pregnant women to reduce anxiety before childbirth.

The research group surveyed over 9500 pregnant women and found in the diet without fish, the ratio of people who fall into feeling more anxiety 53% higher than people often eat fish. People are paying attention to a healthy diet at least risk of anxiety more than 23% compared to people who are not interested in this issue. Two fish meal or fish oil during the week may be enough to meet nutrition due to the fish gives pregnant women. Anxiety often begin to fall on week 32 of pregnancy. The research group said that the condition was stress and anxiety bad impact to health pregnant women, increase the risk of premature birth and children with low birth weight.

The note when she elected to eat fish

She elected the absolute need to avoid the sea of life, nine live food for in contains lots of bacteria and parasites including salmonella, toxoplasmosis, furniture ... bad for her health. Food to frozen and then cooked will destroy the parasite type and safe for use.

The women prepared to become pregnant or are breastfeeding should limit the types of fish such as shark, swordfish, king mackerel, fish slices because they contain mercury concentrations are very high – especially hurting children who are also Mothers breast milk.=



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