The cause of children not increasing height

Feed your child too salty

Vietnamese people often have the habit of eating salt using fish sauce, or salt for young children very early, making bamboo dwarf. In addition, eating salty also makes your baby more susceptible to urinary tract disease. The younger the child is, the more salt he gets, the more calcium is excreted, especially for babies.

Sweet food makes children dwarf

Give me lots of sweets

Children always love sweets, but things like candy, gato, chocolate, . and many of the dishes with ingredients that are just 'sweet' lines are the enemies of their height. You are dwarfed. In addition, they cause obesity, which also reduces the ability to absorb calcium.

Give your child plenty of beef

Beef is a kind of nutritious red meat, in very low calcium beef composition, rich in acidic elements such as phosphorus, sulfur . If you give your baby a lot of beef, it will be hard for you to be tall. . So, she should only feed her 1-2 times a week.

Let me eat it and go to sleep

Mothers are often afraid of hungry children losing weight, so stuffing their babies to eat very well before going to bed makes the stomach take a lot of time to work, feed conversion. This makes it difficult for children to sleep, affecting their ability to secrete growth hormones. This process takes longer to make your daughters dwarf with friends of the same age.

Children who drink a lot of carbonated drinks will be short

Wake up your baby to get up and eat at night

Many mothers love their babies, so they often try to wake them up to feed their babies at night because they think that night feeds will make them sleep and grow fast. This action is extremely harmful because making the hormone increase the height of the child will work strongly while the baby sleeps to reduce fertility so that the baby is dwarfed.

Let me drink carbonated water

In carbonated drinks containing air bubbles in carbonated drinks that contain the chemical 'corrosive' calcium of the bones, affecting the height of your baby's height development. Frequently giving your child drink carbonated water may make your baby less dwarfed by the height he can reach.



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