The hand points parents need additional children anorexia

1. Fiber

Fiber has the most in the vegetables. It not only creates the best conditions for the bacteria in the intestinal tract development, help your baby to absorb better food, more palatable but also have the effect of stimulating the peristalsis increases contractility to escort the stool out, help your body baby poison waste regularly, avoiding the infuse toxins from the blood into the stool.

Adding more fibre in the daily menu of the child have positive effects for the health of the child, the child will grow healthy and eating better.

2. Times

For the older child anorexia, parents should actively adding more fresh fruit and vegetables, especially fruits like banana, Orange, strawberry, apricot, lychee, peach, plums ... and vegetables cabbage, celery, peas, mushrooms, potatoes, .... By the large amount of potassium in foods on will help children do not lose water when to sweat more in the summer, as well as maintain the excitement of eating infant.

3. The B vitamins

The types of B vitamins often have lots of bread, potatoes, bananas, lentils, pepper, tuna, beans, nuts, eggs, cereal, oatmeal, chicken, tomato juice ...

What types of B vitamins (including B1, B2, B3, B12 ...) works to help the healthy baby body, strengthen resistance, nervous system development, maintain metabolic process and help little appetite.

The parents should also note that the vitamin B group vitamins are soluble in water so that it can be excreted out of the body if the currency loaded excessively. Therefore, parents should complement a certain B vitamins every day for baby to baby do not fall in the case of the lack of this vitamin.

4. Lysine

Lysine is a very beneficial for the body of the child. It not only helps the child ate, increase metabolism, absorption of nutrition and development at maximum height but also help baby strengthen absorption of calcium, to prevent the excretion of minerals out of the body, should have the effect of enhancing height, prevent rickets, osteoporosis in older children.

Thus, the addition of these foods contain more lysine (such as eggs, meat, fish, milk, soya, ...) on your baby's daily diets anorexia will help parents improve the situation significantly.

5. selenium

Selenium is an antioxidant, a key role in protecting the body against the harmful effects of free radicals. Selenium helps in the synthesis of thyroid hormones, which stimulate the energy input. Adding more selenium for children will help strengthen, restore the immunity. The lack of selenium in the diet causing long term infants at risk for cancer, heart disease and immunodeficiency.

To the child not the lack of selenium, the parents should complement the foods such as shellfish, shrimp, crab, beef, pork, radish, red beans .... Themselves during processing of foods containing selenium are prone to wear and tear should the parents need special attention to production of food for children.

In older anorexia, poor nutritional absorption capacity than normal children should in addition to complement the older sources of selenium from natural foods, parents need to find food supplement selenium directly to children, help the digestive system and immune recovery quickly.

6. Zinc

Zinc has a very important role for the Agency as the digestive system, central nervous system, skin and mucosa ... Thus, zinc deficiency will cause the baby to feel the appetite.

Therefore, parents should zinc supplements for children by feeding more lean meats, liver, egg yolk, oysters ... Zinc-rich food supplement not only help children easy target and absorbed but also enhances the child's appetite.=



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