The massage method for baby love

Massage for the older child is a method of care was physicians recommend that parents should apply to promote blood circulation in the body, help increase peristalsis do the system works better, also, the massage helps young muscles increase dynamism, relax and develop the ability to communicate faster. In particular, when the massage connection status invisible electronic form is created, this maternal help better milk secretion.

Massage the right way to help your baby comfortable and beneficial to health.

The best time to massage for babies

The time most suitable for baby massage can in the morning when the baby begins a new day; When the child sleeps too 2.5 hours which yet to wake up to eat; ago at for bathroom or in the evening to help with sleep and deeper.

However, you should avoid massage when the child has just fed as easily cause abdominal pain and discomfort for the child; When the skin is injured, scratches, wounds do not dry or have symptoms of allergic rash infection.

Guidelines for baby massage

At the beginning should only touch on the younger, may then increase the intensity rate when young began to feel comfortable and familiar with the massage movements gradually. Should not continue when the child cries or proved uncomfortable.

One thing you need to note, the massage is minutes seconds expressed love of the parents and the baby should be when the massage to keep eye contact with your baby look, smiling or singing the tunes softly to your baby to listen to.

Parents should prepare

Parents should prepare the room warm, avoid draughty but should be kept open. The parents sat with relaxed posture, hands are washed and warm massage, especially, mother not to wear jewelry and nails to avoid making scratches the skin. Latest baby lying on the blanket flat, clean, soft cover, no stats pillow. Could use a massage oil for babies to older more pleasant.

The locations to note when the massage for children

Foot Massage: My parents used both hands lightly claws the two young thighs, gently stretch the young legs folded, matching either just shake paws and feet.

Abdominal Massage: Abdominal massage gentle child according to clockwise, this is the way of the colon should this movement helps baby feel good, reduce flatulence. The fingers move gently as walk on towards young belly.

Hand Massage: Two hand straightening Squeeze gently from the biceps to wrist. Folded into young arms, opening a way steadily and slowly.

Back Massage: People do use hand claws along the dorsal muscle towards each other, the two thumb vertical spiral round day two dorsal side, patting gently on either side the young shoulder help the child more comfortable.

Note When the massage mother to baby love

The best time for the massage is 40-50 minutes after eating, at which children are mentally and works pretty well. When the new start should only from 5-10 minutes, gradually can increase the time. When baby 3 months old can massage up to half an hour.

Before the massage for older parents should remove the jewelry, the hands are always moist and soft. If your skin is dry you can rub a little lotion new currency then half hour massage.=



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