The wise mother goes to the market to buy this food, her child grows as fast as she can never worry about constipation and indigestion

Young children have weak resistance, the body parts are not fully developed, so it is very easy to get sick if not carefully cared for, especially the baby's digestive system. If food is not appropriate, children with gastrointestinal disorders lead to anorexia, growth retardation and underdevelopment. So what kind of foods are easy to digest for your child 's digestive system, would you please follow the article below and supplement your beloved in the most appropriate way.

Sweet sweet potatoes

Sweet sweet potatoes contain a lot of fiber, calcium, iron, vitamins A, C, and E are good for the digestive system and provide many nutrients for the baby's overall development. In addition, sweet potatoes also have low blood sugar index. It increases blood sugar slowly so it is considered an ideal source of carbohydrates for the body.

Processing: There are many ways of processing sweet potatoes such as cooking porridge for babies or boiling them, crushing them to feed them or adding breast milk or powdered milk.


Children with digestive disorders should eat more chicken instead of other meats. In low-saturated fat chicken, it is easy for babies to digest with enzymes that soothe the stomach effectively. Therefore, you should add chicken to your baby's daily diet.


Carrots are not only easy to digest, eat, but also contain nutrients such as folate, carotene, vitamin C, calcium, so it naturally stands in the TOP 5 best foods for weaning children.

Carrots rich in beta carotene - will be converted into vitamin A. Then, fat-soluble vitamin A plays an important role in children's vision and development as well as maintaining skin, hair, and functional health. immune and reproductive.

How to prepare: Mom can boil soft carrots and crush them to eat or cut carrots into powder and cook with porridge to have a nutritious dish for children.


Avocado is considered a complete food of nature. It contains many healthy fats, fiber, iron, kalli folate and vitamin D. In addition, it is easy to prepare and can form a smooth cream, suitable for children to start weaning.

How to make: Making butter is also very simple, she just needs to cut the avocado in half, take the meat and crush or shred the baby to eat or mix with yogurt, breast milk or formula to reduce the density.


Oatmeal is considered to be a better grain than rice because it is less likely to cause constipation, taste is more easily eaten by many babies. In particular, oats are rich in fiber, protein, calcium and some types of vitamin B. So this is considered one of the perfect foods for babies. There are many ways to combine baby oats such as apples, blueberries, yogurt . forming a nutritious dish, loved by many babies.

When buying mums, you can choose the convenient type for processing such as: oat oats, fiber or instant noodles. If a mother wants to make cereal or oatmeal at home, she should buy a plate or crushed fiber because these have a higher nutritional value.


Ginger works very well in supporting the child's digestive system, especially helping to move fast food from the stomach to the small intestine. From the past to present, folk often handed down the traditional ginger medicine to cure digestive diseases such as abdominal pain, a little uncomfortable . So try adding a small slice of ginger into your child's food when they see the child has manifestations of flatulence, abdominal pain, indigestion .



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