This is the best way to preserve breast milk, not afraid of losing quality, every mother should know

How long does breastmilk last for?

In the first 6 months after birth, babies need to be exclusively breastfed to achieve optimal growth, development and health. Some mothers do not have conditions to breastfeed directly (such as mothers have to go to work, their nipples fall in .), mothers can express milk to let their babies drink. When expressing milk like that, you will not lose milk, but help maintain the breastmilk source in the long term.

When expressed, empty milk stimulates the pituitary to release prolactin, which helps produce more milk. Every day you can milk from 5-7 times and milk should be expressed in the refrigerator. If kept in the freezer, it can be stored for 7 days, if kept in the freezer for 24 hours. Breastmilk can be stored for about three months when stored in a fogged, two-door refrigerator for six months at -18 ° C. Before breast-feeding, warm the milk again.

The best way to preserve breast milk

Breastmilk after expressing should immediately pour into dedicated milk bags. Then, place a label on the outside of the breast storage bag, including the baby's date, time of milking, and the name of the baby (if you are sending your child to day care).

Store expressed milk in the refrigerator as soon as possible. If this is not possible, keep the milk at room temperature with a temperature of about 26 ° C but note that only for 6 hours, the lower temperature is 8-10 hours . Stay away from places where radiation, sunlight sun or other heat sources.

However, experts recommend that storing breast milk at room temperature should not last more than 4 hours; It's hot under 1 hour.

Divide milk into small bags with a capacity of 80 - 120 ml to minimize cooling time, avoid waste, when thawing the milk melts faster.

Breast milk should not be stored in a freezer door because the temperature there is often incorrect.

How to thaw milk

When you want to defrost, transfer milk from the freezer compartment to a cool compartment for about half a day to a day before bringing it outside to warm for your baby to eat. Do not thaw milk at room temperature because this will cause bacteria in the milk to increase.

To defrost breastmilk, you can steam or warm the milk by placing the container in a bowl of hot water about 40 ° C. Do not heat breastmilk or heat the breastmilk with a microwave because it will damage the milk.

Milk stored in a refrigerator often has a scum floating on its surface but underneath it looks like water. Therefore, when warming breastmilk, gently shake the bottle so that the whey and milk are mixed together. Do not shake too vigorously because it will break down some of the valuable nutrients in milk.

Before feeding your baby, check the temperature. Milk must be warm but not too hot. If your baby does not finish the milk after defrosting, he must discard it and not store it again.



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