Tips to help your baby eat deliciousness and science parents need to know

Teach children from infancy is always easier than the baby's great expectations from the whip. To have healthy eating habits, you must be a role model for children.


Babies often tend to prefer to take control of his life, it made them feel more satisfied, more confident-and how they behave with sustenance is one manifestation of this trend. The more you squeeze, as opposed to children and do not want to eat. Want to solve the original problem, please avail himself loose myself before.

Instead of getting the child to eat a certain food or because they are expensive and you feel regret if children not eating; Please simply few options for food in a packed, and young to eat. You should only guide the child eating only. Put the food in front of her, if the baby does not like to eat, you don't, and don't stress about that by the very sensitive and we will recognize your stress!

Also, will it's great if you can model in eating. Instead of talking with the older "Kids try this dish, it's good!" then you eat that dish a delicious true-you don't even need to say what the baby would also curious that demanded a try.

Feeding on demand

Many mothers have thought pressed the child to eat as much as possible without regard to the needs of children. Status key was pressed to eat more on stretching makes born psychology anorexia. The best way is to let children eat according to the needs. With the children eating parents should "break down" help children still ate enough food intake necessary that a child's digestive system is not overloaded.

Family meals

Let's eat together as a family. That would be a good habit for later, you will be a role model for good behaviour in the meal that older study. Would this help children to fun, excitement, more delicious than the food. Additionally, when sit moment with his parents, the child will be gradually set dining skills like holding the spoon chopsticks, dining, thrusts himself know communication skills on the dining table together with adults. Many scientific studies have proved valuable when kids eat with the family in the warmly, children often eat more, develop the senses and the mind a most complete way.

Forget processed food to go

No matter what those DIY meal at home never better food also made available a lot. The available food usually contains a salt is very disturbing. Having too much salt in your food for older also causes health problems difficult to control. Diet rich in salt will make the child's saliva gland is reduced, creating the development for the bacteria, causing inflammation of the upper respiratory tract infection. Eat much salt causes malabsorption of zinc. Zinc deficiency will cause baby to anorexia, sleeplessness and slowly grew. You should eat the healthy food by adding fresh vegetables in the diet, not the easy to eat but also easy to absorb.

Seek to seduce the young eat the dish lightly

Offers a variety of food at meals and can deal allows children to eat snack if as young bear măm a food would. Fruit, soups, apples, crackers, peanut butter and yogurt ... is all the good example of snacks you can choose for the child in the deal.

If children agree with this choice, you don't get too disturbed. As long as the child healthy and good to eat different food, by the time, you will take advantage of to switch to other foods.

Providing good food for the body

The child should be provided in full the minerals to the body can develop a healthy way. The important thing is you have to know the food would be good for the development of the child.

Pure grains unprocessed has a supply of indispensable energy for the mobilization as well as the growth of the child. Which also contains the B vitamins help prevent cardiovascular disease.

Fresh fruit is a source of vitamin C as well as substances for the body. Have the effect of strengthening the immune system for the child and prevent a number of diseases.

Milk and dairy products provide calcium for children, vitamin D, protein helps the development of bones, teeth, muscles, improves brain and nerve function.

Broccoli provides many vitamins B6, C, K, folic acid and potassium helps promote the body produces enzymes protect the blood vessels and reduce the damaging molecules in cells.

Omega 3 in the tuna, salmon. Is the type of fatty acids are needed for the development of brain tissue, the health of the heart and the mind.

Menu changes often

The child will see more palatable if mother changes the menu often. If you would also eat a certain food will also feel bored, so young. Make appropriate food processing to the taste of young, often have new dishes for children excitedly with the meal.

Do not threaten or punish the child when not eating: Although when children refuse to eat the food you put out and this makes you upset but also should not threaten or punish the child when not eating. Besides look way to young receiving food in a more relaxed way.

For a child to sit properly while eating

To a child's digestive system works best, parents should choose for a straight back Chair has a rear seat seated children, based to the position of food to children can eat it easily. Stools will help the digestive system organs the maximum expansion makes quick food are digested and absorbed, avoided the nuisance due to bloating, abdominal or serious disturbances of digestion cause.

Drink water

With young children under 6 months: If the mother breastfeeding completely or had extra powdered milk into the diet, no need for the baby to drink water. But if the child out sweat, bony horn or constipation, you should drink for more 100-200 ml/day.

Children from 6-12 months of age, the country needs a day is 100 ml milk including per kg in weight. For example if the child weighs FCR needs water, if the child is drinking 800mls 600 ml milk 200 ml water added should again as boiled water to cool fresh fruit soft drink, water or boiled vegetables.

Children age 1 need 1 liter of water per day (including milk), if the child is over 10 kg should add 50 ml water per day.

When kids drink should not be drinking too much water in once, that should give the baby to drink a SIP of water to each time through the intestinal tract absorbs into blood vessels. How this helps your baby to drink more quickly and affect the digestive system.

Know when the child no

Should not force children to eat too much in a packed. When young tend to shake the head or lip mím when fed means the kid didn't want to eat anymore. If you are trying to squeeze the last spoon feeding or drinking water notes this is disastrous. Should not do so because it will become bad habits for children, sabotaging the mechanism of self-regulation of the body and have the potential to cause obesity.

If the baby does not eat that tend to shut up, vomit eWw gross or not good eating that means babies are eating now feel really obnoxious. You should adjust the back way to eat. Remember that the food needs of each child is different.

Iron for breakfast

Please ensure that you provide sufficient iron in their diets. Iron deficiency is harmful for the process of brain development and the psychology of the child. Although can overcome this situation through treatment and recovery capabilities song hurt psychologically, then no one's sure.

When children move on to eat hard, should select the type of formula products that contain high iron content such as: meat, common foods daily and some vegetables.

Cerebral Blood deficiency can cause fatigue, sleep gât, lack of focus led to the decline in learning.


Exercise helps your baby feel comfortable, engrossed in playing, learning. Regular physical activity helps for good circulation blood vessels, increases the metabolism of the body in the body at the same time can avoid obesity.

Moreover when there are good means resistance and high immunity. Helps the body fight the disease usually occur when moving the season as flu, rashes ... Moreover, the exercise also helps your baby to have a brain intelligence, creativity and ability to remember well. Just good for health has the ability to mount the family members, that's not good?

Dinner no television

Eat Watch but can help feeding more quickly but the harmful effects that it brings is not pleasant at all. Her view will cause the child to not focus on the food and there will be the risk of child entrapment of food in your mouth for so long, or will swallow the food right away-this will be harmful to the child's stomach, so long will lead to health problems. Moreover this makes children feel the taste of food and will feel no appetite, easily leads to the feeling of appetite.=



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