Washing baby bottles in this way is like picking up more bacteria on their own, many mothers still get infected

Only wash the bottle with clean water

Washing bottles, weaning utensils or toys with clean water is an important step, but if you stop here, you are making a big mistake. The reason is because this step only helps to remove stains, large residues, while baby's milk or weaning foods contain a lot of nutrients that are difficult to clean such as grease, fat, and sweat .

If not washed, it creates a greasy feeling very uncomfortable to use, and this is also a place for harmful microorganisms and molds to grow, develop, causing very dangerous problems. digestive problems such as abdominal pain, diarrhea or digestive infections. Therefore, after washing with clean water, please refer to and apply one of the appropriate sterilization methods to bring the best results, including using water to wash bottle or sterilize with high temperature. .

Sterilize with too many high temperatures

Most mothers use one of the high temperature sterilization methods such as steaming, sterilizing or sterilizing them in a microwave.

However, if the mother uses this method many times a day, the things that quickly crack, discolor and deform because most items such as bottles, snacks and toys are manufactured. made of plastic, even safe plastic, which is not usually heat resistant.

Therefore, on average, mothers should only use this method once a day, at other times, water to wash bottles will be a more suitable choice for mothers. However, to ensure safety, the mother should choose products with safe ingredients, she should pay attention to the safety of the product.

How to wash right

When cleaning a baby bottle, parents should use a special brush to clean the bottle because the fine lines from the brush can clean from the smallest gap of the bottle, cleaning 360 degrees along the contours. of the bottle or can clean the tip of the nipple deeply and more thoroughly.

In addition to cleaning the bottle with a brush, parents should follow these steps:

- Pour away the leftover milk from the baby.

- All parts of the bottle are removed, soaked in warm water for 5 minutes.

- Brush tools with a clean brush, special brush to clean the bottle.

- After cleaning, parents can continue sterilizing with boiling water.

- After sterilization, keep in a dry place and remember to cover the bottle to prevent bacteria from the dirt air from entering the bottle.

Some note

- When sterilizing bottles, parents should pay attention to the material of the bottles. Because some types of bottles do not boil in water, they will deform when exposed to high temperatures. So pay attention to the material of the bottle when buying.

- The bottle should be renewed within 6 months because at this time it has expired. And the nipple part should be changed every 3 months.

In fact, everyone thinks that washing bottles for babies is simple but not good hygiene makes it easy for harmful bacteria to enter the milk. The immature digestive system of the child is difficult to cope with these bacteria, which leads to unwanted diseases and parents do not know where the cause is.



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