ways for children to use underwear properly

In the past, Tieu Lan, 12 years old, had persistent abdominal pain for unknown reasons, especially in the area around the navel. Besides feeling pain, she also felt nausea and vomiting many times. One day when the little girl Xiao Lan vomited and had severe abdominal pain, the family rushed to take her to a hospital near her home.

The doctors here conducted tests and screenings and conducted an infusion for her to make her pain less and less and she was discharged to the hospital for treatment.

But that very night, Little Tieu Lan had a stomach ache and vomited so badly that the whole family had to wait for morning to take her to the hospital. During the ultrasound career, doctors discovered a tumor in her pelvis.

12 year old baby inflammation of the private area

After a three-day hospital stay, Minor parenteral fever over 38 degrees and oral antiseptic medication for baby's abdomen improved and the baby was discharged. But then Xiao Lan had a stomachache for the first time and this time the severity became more severe. She was taken to a higher level hospital for treatment.

Subsequently, Xiao Lan was diagnosed with a populary disease of a gynecological disease caused by a doctor of Zhejiang University Women's Hospital.

Through the process of finding out the doctors know the reason because Little Lan wore underwear with her mother, causing her to become infected. Sharing this underwear also lasts for a long time, making the situation worse.

Experts warn children how to use underwear correctly

Stay away from satin underwear and lace panties : Mother does not allow her to use satin and lace lining to make her sweat-proof, easy to cause inflammation.

Use general underwear to cause vaginal infections

Avoid using the washing machine : When underwear should not be put in the washing machine because the underwear will be damaged and the washing machine will not be able to wash the baby's underwear easily causing the baby to become infected.

Say no to cheap underwear : Outerwear you can use cheap clothes but underwear alone should not use cheap clothes because cheap clothes are often made of poor fabric makes it easy for children to get infections.

Absolutely do not share underwear : Sharing underwear increases the risk of infection from one person to another. So, never let your baby share underwear with anyone to avoid gynecological infections.



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