Wealthy Chinese flocked to us ... laying

The wealthy couples in China have the desire to avoid the limitations of China's one-child policy, or the folder that the fertility problems, or even want to do the parents of a child born in the United States, are using the services of surrogacy in us on the rise-according to a new report from the women's Federation of China.

Hundreds of infants went along Chinese parents of them prepare to participate in a swimming competition.

Because surrogacy is illegal in China, but legal in the United States, should the wealthy couple willing to pay $ 100.000 (609,470) to $ 300,000 (1,828,410) to enlist the services of the American brokers, which provide high quality services and take care of all the arrangements.

When the child was born, the couple will take the child away-it's a genuine American citizen – returned to China. These children are not prohibited and restricted by China's one-child policy.

The American surrogacy Center opened branch operations in China to meet growing demand for the services of the mother to hire Americans, especially among business people and celebrities in village revel entertainment.

"We had on average 4-5 Chinese customers every month in recent years," a women's League employees, an official organization connected with the ruling Communist Party, said.

Because California has enacted the law on surrogacy, and the centres have good reputation has been active in California for decades, it is a favorite destination of Chinese customers.

A full service center will provide service for both spouses to comprehensive health examinations, provided details about who native language potential hire, and set up the interviews with the women.

After the mother was selected and a contract signed, the complex medical procedures began for the couple and the mother tongue. The procedure will create an embryo, offers the choice of mate, and implanting the embryo in the womb.

Chinese couples often return to China during pregnancy, and back to the us when the child was born to bring the new baby, the baby will be an American citizen, returned to China.

The baby is often called the "American Baby" (American Babies), reported in the online discussions, said.

In addition to surrogacy, more and more Chinese women than to the United States to give birth. Although the cost can range from $ 20000 to $ 33000, while fines for couples to have more than one child, in urban areas such as Beijing may be even larger.=



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