What to do when your child has a habit of yelling?

Why youngsters like scream

She yelled, not because the baby would like that because you very baby stirs excitement. Baby explores his own sound and like to experiment with screams. For example, she yelled in a supermarket or Bank sometimes just because the scream will create the resounding sounds interesting and that is how the baby attracted the attention of parents. Sometimes yelling back is the way to get a baby, something that the baby wants.

At the age of 15-18, some babies start to enjoy "playing" with his own voice. The baby suddenly found himself capable of screaming, shouting and very happy to try every occasion. Running jumping and applauding for babies in this age is a natural expression to manifest joy. For the baby to have a strong, independent personality, this is one of the rare occasion, been expressing delight without fear of adults yelled at the mine or prohibition. But even those parents who are easy-going and most peaceful moments also unsatisfied the frustrating when "torture" by the noise of his children.

Often older like applauding when playing with your own, seem to have mutual stimulation between you're bullshit. Let the child be shouting delight to walk, because that is also an occasion to exercise his voice and the respiratory system.

Child's nervous system was not stable, so the children easily by the noises created by yourself, and then it can take a new period of calm was back. So if your child runs to play with friends and applauding throughout the evening, on the way home you go slowly and told his party by slowly, calm voice.

Learn your baby's emotions

If the baby screaming for attention, see baby what's wrong don't. For example, if you think a big trading centre of the Eastern people into rush hour causing fear of baby, let's get out of there. Find a different place is under or go back to the out of hours. Let baby get acquainted gradually crowded environment by changing each bit: small shop, then slightly larger store ...

If the baby cranky boredom, learn your baby's mood. Speaking softly with the baby, "mom I want to learn about, but just try a few more minutes, we're almost done, baby" and tried to arrange the work really fast. This not only to the baby feel comfortable but also to help the baby comes out his emotions.

If the baby cried just because want măm candies such as dimension should not, baby. So like you support your baby's screaming routine. Instead say: "I know you like it, eat the cake, but we need to make pitches. You will have the cake home, baby. " Or tell you will buy for baby gear as soon as the baby to behave better instead of yelling. Your baby will understand the screaming will no longer work when the baby wanted to ask what a dish. And don't forget promises made to buy for baby gear.

Tips for the parents deal with young or screaming

Kids play outside

If you take your baby to go out on the street, you try to stay away from places that need quiet as restaurants or shops; Instead, you put the baby to the spacious places such as parks and gardens. Here, the baby will be comfortable yelling that you don't feel confused with people around.

If the baby screaming for attention, see baby what's wrong don't.

Play games

Looking for a spacious place; Next up, you try to satisfy the demand is kid's screaming by the way: "I could scream if you want". Then, you continue to challenge the boy: "now, mother and son contest to see who the best whispered," and then you hand meniscus on the rim of the ear, whispering. This makes the baby saw that, the screaming like a game but will effectively lay within it; for example, when the baby cause humming in the area need quiet, you try to say to baby: "do not imitate the voice of the lion. Children try to imitate the sound of a cat for me see ".

Teach baby to control sound

When the baby scream louder for glee, you should not inject or General trỉ yelled at her. If the screaming exceeds the threshold, you should keep a low, calm voice prompt: "The scream like motherhood boys". Sometimes just the gentle reminder also makes baby must rethink his actions will affect people around.

Make busy baby

Give baby a toy or food before the baby up screaming. If you wait till the Baby screams new take the cake for baby, baby will learn the wrong message that, if want to have a baby, the only "high voice" to meet the parents. When baby is too busy with the chewing gum chewing or handling toy, baby will not spare time to scream.

Ignore the baby

The majority of parents feel the family when the baby screaming in crowded places. However, you can refer to the way a mother: "baby girl over 2 years my house always screaming like ' bloom ' lungs. No particular reason, just because baby wants to be shouted. I was reminded, even generically yelled at kid that the situation was not improving. The case, I have the handling with different baby: If it's a church or a quiet restaurant, I will take the baby out in a few minutes. If it is, I will shop shelves for baby screaming. When the other girl to go through and look at the baby with the curious eyes, baby will immediately stop his behaviour "-that's my share of a mother.

Things not to do

Not so to the applauding delight to voices and tired of leaving, then yelled at the young critics mine out.

The imperative sentences like "don't make noise!", "silence!" doesn't work at all. If the child is in a State of excitement, whether you are prompted to go repeatedly to his requirements, your child still for that yet need to Italy to their parents immediately.

Try tracking your words: If within half an hour you are prompted to go again the orders on at least three times, meaning that the time has come to change "strategy" with the baby.=



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