' Bad girl girlfriend into surgery?

 Luo e information night with the beautiful Ocean Continent is the post simultaneously on 17/6. Immediately past the image and private life of model born in 1988 became the focal point of communications.

You girl ' was born in 1988 in Beijing (China). She was attention thanks to the very same face Angela Baby. However, the image of her past back made many people surprised.

The picture shows in 2008, the Ocean Bar have to face phị, the eye of an eyelid. In shape of this beautiful people totally different from today.

The image after which netizens believe that she was going to cut the upper eyelid. Despite this, beauty is not improved with rough, hard lines.

 In 2012, the appearance of the male model is quite different. Then her face more harmonious, more rounded eyes and high nose to see.

But until 2013, as she becomes someone else with the ethereal beauty, charm.

A photograph shows the beauty of the Ocean over the bar.

The beauty of the Ocean Bar is compared as Elves. Also at this time, she was questioned too much cosmetic surgery. They said that she has been dragged through the face, eyes, nose.

Not a few fans Luo frustrated because the decision of the idol. According to them, the Ocean Bar don't deserve you. Long legs is also accused of forcing tobacco and alcohol addiction.


The trend

Office fashion

Wedding dresses




Natural beauty


How to cure

Weight loss

Love room


Raising children





Bride mother-in-law

