Pure rice wine by freckles treatment

Why rice wine back to cure freckles?

Due to the location as well as basic genetic living environment difference that Westerners have many freckles across the skin to the body than Oriental. This is the haunt of the great new girl, just like the Oriental girls worry about blackheads or acne in puberty.

When I wonder why rice wine back to treat freckles, Lauren had me see a document, which says. If you ever used the skin whitening product, please read carefully the chemical ingredients in it, certainly not when the products lack the kojic acid. This is the kind of acid obtained by fermentation of rice. It can reduce the production of melanin by inhibiting the enzyme tyrosinase. This formula was first explored by the Geisa Japan-Asian country had rice wine culture unique. Then the Western people have studied and summarized the effect of Asian rice wine with different formulas.

Rice wine face mask recipe

-3 tablespoons rice wine (if is rice wine is distilled using traditional yeast is much more useful)

-1 tablespoon coffee powder

-1 tsp honey

-1 tsp yoghurt

Mix all mixed together, if the ratio on dilute too, you can add a teaspoon of oat flour to a smooth mixture and comparisons.

Wash your face with clean water, use the mixture on the face mask within half an hour, then rinse again with cold water and wash your face.  Perform regularly once a day, after only two weeks, the freckles will fade and loses only two weeks later. Moreover, the skin is up the mixture will become smooth and healthy thanks to keep the cells in deep floor by anti-aging effects of kojic aixt.

You can mix and store them in a sealed bottle, stored in cool drawer refrigerator for daily use. Note When open, the maximum limit for mixed exposure to Sun and air, by the impact of two factors will reduce the effect of kojic acid. This is the secret to Lauren left me after leaving Vietnam with smooth skin, no longer any trace of the gaming=



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