10 signs you're to Italy

When the son not yet confident enough to say the word love, daughter or fret wonder whether he is really serious with regard to their relationship or just play to pass the time? According to a psychological expert Chen Posted, there are signs the following hint shows feelings of guy is seriously that you girls should refer to put faith in his feelings.

1. Usually you peeking

The eyes are the window to the soul-where he has the heart dwells. If sometimes you caught eye guy peeking, the guy was a target "crush" you. If not enough sensitivity to know common guy peeking or not, you can ask to a friend close to Italy, if available, can you be sure outsider will detect it.

2. Is he or visit

If a guy constantly make the excuse to visit your home or find a way to lead you to come play here, please rest assured that the guy is really like you. The son rarely abandon effort as if just flirting. This is an obvious sign that he likes you. But of course, sometimes you have to considering other aspects, because there are people who just do it for fun.

3. Find a way to contact you

If a new guy familiar with add your Yahoo nick, nick Facebook or instant messaging for you ... that's not working, then you can understand implicitly that you're paying attention to you. When did pay attention to someone, their son is always looking for ways to make contact with you, so this is the best way to get a chance to chat, learn more about each other's personality, and can be ... the opportunity to invite "objects" go play again. Even a shy guy for can also become extreme courage by Instant Messaging, if he's really like a teen girl.

4. Protect you

If the guy always wanted to protect you in the different circumstances of life then be sure that you are very important in pleasing him. If the guy always protect and worry for you every thing, but he's not yet confident enough to discuss emotional, you make the "green light" for him.

5. Teasing you

The boys often think that if can make the girl laugh she í will pay attention to them. From ancient to present, whether they are primary or tertiary, teen boys often tease the girlfriend is so. Especially when entering the age of love, if a teen boy or tease you and try to ... tell the joke you hear, you know why! But remember, if you feel uncomfortable, then don't try to endure that let's talk frankly.

6. body language

Do not despise "body language", you can "read" was the son a lot through their body language. Such as when the two are talking, if the head of the guy directed away from your head, then that's a sign you're unwilling to talk, or maybe you're experiencing something not fun. If your head is almost touching each other, and listen intently to each of your words, then presume this guy like you. A positive sign is that when guy unknowingly mimicking the actions of you: hold a glass of water, circled his hand on the table ... this they prove you've poured St đừ little guy!

7. The Assembly of the guy

My son always has a friendship full of hard competition very close, what also share for each other, especially emotionally. Thus, if a guy is paying attention to you, then it will not be strange if you come across "friendship society" of guy and see them whispering and smiling laughing with you. It's a boy in the society are "to Italy" to you!

8. Guy asked many things about you

If a guy deliberately ask Eddy about anything, even the guy who is aware of the problem, still pleased and laughing silently in the abdomen, as he really put the mind where you are. Just be patient and gentle welcome her attention, and finally the guy also confess feelings for you.

9. He treats you in a special way

This is a sign of clear and simple: the guy treated special with you, not like the girls around the mean guy was like you. Sometimes he becomes complete silence in front of you, don't be surprised, just because the guy has the "feel" you.

10. Want to of visiting your family

The guy always wants to offer you mouth lead you home or home play. That is the sign that the guy wanted to put serious relationship and towards the future with you.=



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