8 simple tips help you impress her

1. Play the same dog

Girls like such things cute, to the extent of even what that cute animals nearby also became ... Nice. And with her nothing more than a cute guy are playing along his pet dog.

2. Behave polite

She looks how cool then you should still hold gentlemanly behavior. If she is cold, please offer to her coat, and remember her or take her back to help make the home after the ride.

3. her teaser

The first time you meet a woman, let's tease her about something. Anything, because no matter what the problem is, as long as you can soon get her attention.

For example, you can say: "what's in your bag? Not that I carry a gun? " Anything, as long as you are attracted to her from the start, showing that you are not the cowardly boy, which in contrast is a witty person. That's the important thing. But whatever you do how would also have to make sure that what you say really humor, if not you will turn into a silly guy.

4. Pretend you've known her and to start a conversation

This should only be applied by the boy would eat smart fella, talk a bit, otherwise it will be "captured". You can greet her like a normal friend, talk a little about the "hot news" recently, about the slogan on the shirt she ... all depending on how "essential Italy". When she prepared to realize you are a ... strangers, then smiled and apologized. Make sure no girl is not impressed by how familiar or this cough!

5. Watch her recent photo album on Facebook

Pay attention to the photos of her taken when going out, and asking this is that. When she answers, please ask: "you ever lead you to it, this weekend?" Can "the Little Mermaid" will decline, but you also have impressed somewhat with her.

6. Be affectionate and loving child afternoon

The girls are fascinated by these boys love pm small kids. If you have a nephew or niece, please post the pictures of your lovely with kids go online Facebook and social networks that you know for sure you use, then you will see weekly like her for you to skyrocket.

7. accommodation refurbished

Most of her often underestimate the ability to clean and decorate the rooms of wings you whiskers. Can she have caught many bathroom scene with strong spray shower as ... the spring rains or the window frames decorated with ... towels. You can easily replace the points by a new shower, or select a few gentle paintings hanging from the wall.

8. Praise her

To impress her effectively, you need to remember to always use the winged words to praise her. Nothing makes you more perfect in her eyes by proving to her that you really understand the value of her (a girl hot, smart, funny). Remember, words do not take money to buy, and you can still make you extremely satisfied.=



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