Extreme luck moles of the Zodiac

Aries: the forehead or cheeks

Birch has a Mole is located in the cheek or forehead represents the Member States, have the will and the incredibly favorable destiny.

Birch has a Mole is located in the cheek or forehead represents the Member States, have the will and the incredibly favorable destiny.

Taurus: the ear or neck

The mole in the ear or neck will help increase suction power of Taurus with the others factions, is the symbol of fate and talent have wealth.

Song: hand, shoulder or shank

Gemini has a mole in the hand, shoulder or shank symbolizes the outstanding talent and intelligent than people.

Located: Chest

The mole in the chest will symbolize the fate of Cancer easily became the fame and position in society.

Lion: the back, shoulder, or next to the eye

The lion has a mole in the backs, shoulders or next to the eye will symbolize good luck and success in the future.

Virgo: the belly or navel

The mole in the belly or navel symbolize the gentle and soft, helps improve one part stubborn personality of Virgo.

Libra: belts, Chin

Libra has a mole in the waist or Chin will symbolize the human help, you multiply the good charm, an open relationship.

Scorpion: Near the mouth

The Mole near her mouth stands for super sensitive senses and helps increase speed Scorpion menly or sexy.

The Mole near her mouth stands for super sensitive senses and helps increase speed Scorpion menly or sexy.

Sagittarius: The Buttocks

Sagittarius has a mole in the buttocks, the curve and the career will be incredibly wide open, flexible mind n1k1 and easy to become a pioneer in everything.

MA: the Chin or knee

Capricorn has a mole in the Chin or knee will symbolize the incredible patience, hard and fast like quickly bored.

Aquarius: heads down, wrist or heel

Aquarius has a mole, heads down, wrist or heel symbolizes human good charm, many friends and are you mate for help.

Pisces: Legs

PISCES has a mole in the foot will symbolize the way sex Tutty goes well, learning and career development.=



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