I'm sorry ... because you don't have to have my father

So is the son of my mother's love has on a class. The life of the mother is not as lucky as you. His grandfather put the family under a different woman from when I was very young, her grandmother alone raising kids algae Qin squinting boy, she made enough trades to raising children that life is still difficult. 13 years, life has pushed impoverished mother away from her family to go to the House for a billionaire, I hope help stupid for her grandmother less difficult.

My mother quit school when most of grade seven take pushing fate, parents no longer have to go help the House anymore, but on making the staff for a get. 17 years my mother has become a woman with a boyfriend who worked, also in this complex where his mother met the three children-a familiar customer of get.

At that time I knew he had the happy family but mother still blindly plunge into.

At that time I knew he had the happy family, repeatedly met his wife goes along to get drunk, so parents still blindly plunge into. Maybe my mother was being dazzled as the coins he bo (in both a month salary of staff running the desk as my mother).

BAM was a time, he confided to her unhappy family story, get married because of the pressure, not to have love. His parents were dead sure didn't live long, parents wait for a time when parents will divorce and a clear desk for mom. His mother heard him say as pouring bile into the ear, think of themselves as people who bring love and happiness to him.

With him was a time my mother had brought the child, then the child should think just born baby he will divorce his wife to collect her. Wait forever don't see he did anything about divorced his wife, afraid of notoriety with colleagues, afraid the neighbors gossip village, afraid to saddened mother grandmother had married long time boyfriend who still pursue.

The advent of joy of the household and her grandmother, parents simply thought I was born there were three but the happiness of parents not as eager as children grow up, unlike the inner side. The man is the husband of the mother explicitly demanding a divorce. In fact, married at agrees parents only want the birth to have a full family, have parents like other children only.

My mother had the wrong son dear. Three children tell her family he is not happy but so far my son has his mother on a class, his paternal grandparents were lost long ago but three children have divorced his wife to collect her. He and his wife still promise still contingency, no benefits, no honors.

Sometimes he also suspected the child was not his blood drops, each heard so humiliating mother just wants to die but still look young you ignore wild to live. I just wish one day his mother was officially steps into the House because I wanted a real family. Many times parents wish for his broken family, to have a father but his mother found themselves jobless in Germany too.

I'm sorry mom ... because you don't have to have a father.

His proud mother of value with the two men, but not for a full family. Oh my beloved son, in the eyes of the people is evil woman but with my mom is still the great mother is not.

For several years the wife contingency, the only property you leave to parents is this car to shuttle the mother daily to go to school. I will try to work on the study to. Try to study well the child, the child will be the pride of my mother.=



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