Men like women form?

1. Honest, curious celebration

Honest woman tastes and feast with family, friends, older people ... will capture the sentiment of a lot of guys. In particular, the boys enjoyed protection and cover for the honest girl because her exuding a fragile feeling in need of protection, makes the guy can't leave. In the eyes of the young man, honest woman that beautiful beautiful will double.

2. Lamb

Naive but don't be fake is the attractive elements to attract attention and conquer the hearts of the young guys, sometimes it outperform both the face and the body beautiful. And if the woman knows how to exert this advantage, your man will be easily overcome. Living next to the naive woman will make a man feel happy, happy all day.

3. A nice body

Hard to deny but men like women with a nice body. This is the main factor causing the passionate guy and don't forget her. A woman attractive have scored impressive with wings you antennae than the other women. However not so that she have stout automaker and holders a little inferior edge fights back ledges. The important thing here is that she will dress up as to how to beauty, hidden defects and behave with the guy.

4. A stylishly face

You realize that there's a guy would look at your face regardless of day and night throughout the rest of his life, this means he loves you. But you remember, beauty is in the eye of people watch it, and just really nice when you have both the beauty of the soul.

5. Trust

After a stressful day, we need someone to be demonstrative presentation confided. An emotional relationship, the most sustainable when it is built on trust, the straight and true. If do the same as we build a House on sand. As built the more uncertain. So, when a guy, the girl don't rush into jealous, essential failure just put trust into his guy. Make your daughter loves the feeling of trust, the man will be extremely happy.

6. Have steady income, work

Women should not rely on man, to always have a life of independence and self-esteem. Women also should not gloat too much material. The women at work will pay attention more, so will not have time to think, viểnn nucifera or deductive distant about his boys. When the sisters have their own interests to pursue passion, is also a way to express themselves not poor in front of men.

7. Sense of humor

This is causing men like women. Men are hard-working, bear more pressure and always need a woman ready to smile when the troubled life and do the guy laughed when the work failed.

In contrast, the women also always sense of humor is typical traits that they like best in males. A woman that is difficult to smile and have fun will make the boys feel dry and do not want to continue the love story.

8. Intelligence and

Most men don't like a woman too smart, because they are hard to conquer and domesticated. However, men prefer women who are quite clever, it also was evident, if women know the subtle, ingenious then this is a "gravity" significant for gentlemen.

9. love

Beyond all that, the thing that men really need than is still love. This became the source of boundless energy to become the strong man, the love of his life, dedication and care of family happiness.=



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