Men should love on age?

Here permission to analyze thoroughly, to find out who you're at for the beard.

1. At 15 years: men should not love because is not a man.

2. At age 16: Yet love because most still wear pants, not dating his daughter.

3. At age 17: Yet love because not know drink coffee. The ball probably invite her to drink milk tea?

4. At 18 years: not love because there is no money and are in college.

5. At age 19: second year of College and are more subject to retest, if love will fall soon.

6. At age 20: can't love because no maturity, meeting you would also want to love.

7. When 21 years old: Yet love because haven't got money.

8. At age 22: Yet love because recently graduated from the school, and are applying for a job, the future is not yet guaranteed.

9. At age 23: Yet love because love is not too high, too low, then pity love.

10. At the age of 24: Not loved because of the likely coming up, love the fear the crater to.

11. At age 25: Don't need love also has a girlfriend to come play.

12. At age 26: dare not love it when your friends get married then squinting boy in the House.

13. At age 27: Yet love for feel will meet a love greater than.

14. At age 28: don't love because at this age love will be my daughter getting married.

15. At age 29: waited to 29 and then why not wait to 30?

16. At age 30: what is love when it's rumored at this love is so afraid of discounted?

17. At age 31: do not love, because at the moment who can not love sincerely that do find themselves, like to dig mines.

18. At 32 years old: Only love because we're young, we're not stupid too young too bored.

19. At age 33: Love stars when see friends married pulled each other to court?

20. At the age of 34: Hate love don't hate it because the girl that hated her mother.

21. At the age of 35: Need to think very carefully because right now love seriously. Carefully to the extent not yet love is the best.

22. At age 36: no it does not require who pity.

23. At 37 years old: why must love when girls accept no as well as love.

24. At the age of 38: Not love if not yet answer the question: is now loved for yourself or for others?

25. At the age of 39: Why can't wait to 40 for it leveled classes?

26. At age 40: not love because too tired, one life years have to shuttle, instigation? Squash!

27. At 41 age: don't love because can not wake up night diaper changes.

28. At the age of 42: why must love when celibacy started already familiar?

29. At the age of 43: why must love if love is only the living, not the melodies of the soul?

30. At the age of 44: Love to do? To prove himself still spring? Squash!

31. When 45 years old: No love for recalled a childhood of young lovers.

32. At the age of 46: can't love anybody know for sure because his love is now also because of property.

33. At 47 years old: Don't need love when they know that life is so much greater things.

34. At 48 years old: Don't need love when out love is sacrifice, which themselves have nothing to sacrifice.

35. At the age of 49: Yet love when not yet examined general health.

36. At age 50: ready to love. Open to welcome all love!  =



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