My husband said I more love old obsolete because a Virgin

After each love you bring me out in comparison with her former lover.

Professional capital is a beautiful people, beautiful girl washing every Sin she somewhat "cocoon" in the Select clause. Over the age of 30 but she is still not interested in choosing a husband. So, the life of Dedicated descending pass away, until she surprised startled. Friends you closing all grandchildren that she still "come soon about the late" alone.

Minutes of meeting this person, see the class go snatch pimp you to attend new Professional yihu "death, like this yourself then discounted". Said she shut out the balcony standing watching. Seems to understand the mood of the professional should You play hand guy, illustrious class mon men closer to "start a conversation".

No doubt the mood of a failed love multi guy eyes. After just 15 minutes, have professed to end his fears with You. Which "multiple student Chi staff" this guy listen, share ... talk to how how, after which, the two met frequently.

About the quarter, due to play the silver post, parents should be spared, veal in country wedding, I urged repeatedly closing grandchildren. His mother also says "Say what they say rather than the year in the goat, he must marry her wife for me thanks. Has 33 years and which still bears, hairy eyes swept me floating hand ".

Found this frustrating parents, tu Chi determination, make your wife to a stable life. Then he meets the beautiful medium Professional, you have home conditions. Present Professional lives alone in the apartment over 2 billion initial purchase for parents. Conditions and nothing. Think then, you take the phone call back to dinner. He Specialized as a spoil Queen makes her "overwhelmed".

After 3 months, You and officially dating. Find You handsome dietetics dietetics financial staff's professional parents welcome. They just wish the daughter soon "decide" to parents also informed the brothers in their homeland.

Crush on each other, was the support of the family is 3 months later, a family wedding taking place. Professional wedding night immeasurable happiness, don't doubt that for the first time, she is still "reserved" is for future husband. Think You will be glad that end up as my wife still "vagina", but then she had to tears when encountering the problem.

You which hand is played, so when he saw his wife chaste you've shouted that says my wife. Not only that, he's also funny to ask his wife to "do not that to hours still...". Listen to the professional world of shame, just hugging sobbed. However, to fire, You have timely reassure his wife.

Whatever the case, life after that of husband and wife Specialize not smoothly as she gradually "turn" play by her husband's past. Even you, my husband has a sexual history with your friends in your class. In turn this person, the other person to contest each other "only I could craft" with new husband specialized in wedding. Yes she still funny to the point ", love him or require. Themselves sometimes also incredibly tired. Even he did compare yourself to her, Kassie ... Bored ".

You get the beautiful wife, the condition and the occasion to teach the wife in every way. The new professional head of silence, but then she stabbed depressed every time "over" her husband suspect pulled out past stories compared with his wife. Even he said this man snatch inferior wife. How the night crying because her husband, Professional cooking "poor" does not know of her husband's afternoon ... But now you know how it is here, when she is in her husband's blood drops don't know cherish his wife.=



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