She don't deserve you

1. You it's hard to talk to her

And not only her, but everything around her, including friends, family, colleagues ... seemed possessed a vocabulary system too modest.

If the only cat you new floating attention every time she wants to be funny, then it is a sign she's not with you.

2. Her "love" as the closing film "level 3"

Of course everyone has fun in "it". But if what she's doing to affect the safety of you, take you to unwanted limitations, the more likely you are too good man for this girl.

Even in the rooms of the buried remains need to define those boundaries clear to both comfortable, so no one should fall into the feeling of loss of control or absolutely not respected. By then will lead to more serious problems.

Also the question how she ever, or she "learns" how to "love" special to the world where...

3. Your friends, no one like her

They even shared a perception that she is ... terrible! Let the mind to the opinions of people around, if a simple thing is said three stories with your friends that she still did not seem like she not "games" with you.

4. You always have to motivate her

Basically, if you find yourself always having to motivate her to breathe the gas, fun activities rather lying in the room or on the Chair, then you have seems inconsistent with her – you too better than her.

Some people, especially, sympathy with ambition, enthusiasm or future story. You should not and will not be for life was the catalyst for this woman, let's spend precious energy to add power for yourself.

5. She never soy sauce money

Just to pay for dinner, buy a ticket to go to the movies or any cost for two people is she lost. There are two types of women having problems with this story: One is the type of women that pay is obviously the work of man, the latter is absolutely no ability to pay anything because she didn't have the income. Life is too short to waste you with both women.

6. personal hygiene of her inferior.

Not a few times you find that unpleasant odor from her body. Actually, to tell you that even women who were "inflammatory" If know how deodorants and have good personal hygiene habits will also not cause discomfort for the next. Case you encounter women who absolutely have to live lack clean, tidy to stink then that is no longer the matter of her personal anymore, because it affects both the health of you, your life.

7. Her troubles to the law

If the girl you're familiar habitually stealing or involved the law though very small, then the likelihood is that she never knew right and wrong or don't respect other people's property rights. You are too good to relate to a girl like that!

8. Not ready for serious relationship

When things are peaceful, calm place, she also proved to be the man who cares, san. But when you talk of marriage, she is often ignored, talk or other reasons to work licking. Can she still want to play, like freedom and don't like being forced to bundle the family life. This shows, this woman really love and identify with you. If realised this, should not wear clinging and beg for love from her anymore, you should terminate promptly to avoid suffering, to stabilise the stroke later.=



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