Shock when her husband confessed infertility right wedding night

at age 27, I married. He than I am 7 years old. As the woman herself is most happy when there are men who love his dimensional ink runs out, always was in psychology, both her husband and both her parents and sisters husband jewelry party reunion, love. Yesterday, I led the mob you time in his homeland and his college friend is jealous when xúng xính in expensive wedding dress, with her husband entered the Ballroom decorated brilliant presence full of relatives, officials.

Today-the day that I was waiting I just loved each other after three years, I have thought I was the happiest bride. But the grim truth and nobody can doubt. ...

When the evil party. Guests melt. Two us about wedding room right at the 5 star hotel wedding venue, after a busy day and retire, from tired though but I still have to speak expressed the excitement, laugh and express for her husband to see that I'm happy to be his wife. I am confused, e hamlet moment awaited wedding night. But then suddenly, her husband quietly to the side sitting next to me and told falter:

Shock when her husband confessed infertility right wedding night.

"My wife, Yes this I want to tell my wife to know. Hope your wife understand and sympathize, okay? "

What happened to you? -I only know asked her husband.

"The truth, he is sterile. You do not have the ability to bear children. You can't tell me mother......... "

I've hear birdies or can I too worry that says wrong. But not. After this happened to my question "what", you have to repeat better than ever from a that he did not have the ability to bear children.

Wedding dresses still on people not be newlywed husband take households. Layers of makeup still on my face not wash but the moment he maybe the tears like rain to flush also did fade any. Has anyone ever plunged into grim as I have. Please give me an advice what to do now.

My wedding night has become a nightmare. Without dynamic moments. No joy, happiness. What should I do now. Miserable and hated her new husband too. But think of handsome face, bow gằm look down in silence when I asked "why don't I know more soon" is my heart throbbing back pain.=



The trend

Office fashion

Wedding dresses




Natural beauty


How to cure

Weight loss

Love room


Raising children





Bride mother-in-law

