Sow Hexagram downloads December 22 for 12 Zodiac

Jiujiang Ocean (1/3-1/4)

Ocean will maintain continued interest in the work, the major goal for his life when the new week knocking on the door, despite the atmosphere of the holidays are busy. This is also the week that you search for yourself the exciting course for more understanding, knowledge, to change ourselves under more positive dimension.

Week 52 of the year are also at you have the more realistic view about friendship, instead of excessive optimism and great expectations for "half", or too many fantasy about love . Real life and are willing to talk frankly, open minded and looking generally tips for you at this time.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Everything was all arranged, organized well, and this is the week to Taurus rest, relax a little and enjoy the party atmosphere. This is also the week to plan and you are ready for the journey ahead with so many dreams, ambitions.

In friendship, this is the week that you undergo the ordeal in a relationship, and through it, you reap the results value: you clearly define your wishes and find a way to overcome the fear reigns in the heart.

Twins (21/5-21/6)

Despite the exciting day that give Twins a feeling full of excitement, don't forget to take the time to resolve an issue equally important: finance. This is the week you need to handle the satisfied debts, planned spending fits with the current image. And don't forget, this point is also an opportunity for you to consider the existence of problems in your relationship objectively possible.

A few times during the week, a sense of responsibility in the relationship can make you feel exhausted (instead of feeling happy), ask yourself see your emotions and the enemy has to be two-way street?

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

Week 52 of the year signaled the exciting days of reunion, with laughter, joy ... steeped. However, before nodding with all the invitations, please awake again to see whether you have the ability to hug đồm much so, if not you will faint. A few times during the week, you think about your work and wondered wonder: this location fits? If the answer is no, you need to change the direction.

In friendship, this is the week that couples can have little instigation, little frictions (mid week), and tell each other about not to own discretion everything.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Lions have a busy week, hustle but full of excitement, especially during the Christmas day-when you are partying, meet and so fun to laugh with the people you love. This is also the week of hardship, when the truth was back behind his back, giving you the comfort.

Lions have a busy week, hustle but full of excitement, especially during the Christmas days.

In friendship, this is the week that you become more accountable in his relationship, and ready to proceed to a long-term commitment with a half. Those who are lonely, it's time to find out the cause as to why the heart you are still locked, the time has come to open the door to the soul.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

The job when the new week knocking can really busy, but you still decide for themselves the bit about silent to unwind, relax. This is also the week to you express love with family members through these activities help to mount.

With the lonely hearts, this is the week that you have many opportunities to meet, connect and search for the appropriate object. Meanwhile, with Virgo love, conflicts can arise between you and "half", but before making the situation more tense, please answer the question: is it necessary to do so?

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Seems like Libra are busy planning for a riotous week, first week, then it's time you should immediately embark on the work, which aims to provide a wonderful atmosphere for everyone. However, don't forget to take care of yourself from the little things. The good news for the week is the financial pressure also will decrease significantly, causing the mood you fresh.

In friendship, this is the week that all decisions are not easy, especially when the two people are too. If possible, be the curb and wait for the enemy to soothe both soon find a common voice for the problem.

Scorpions (October 23-November 21)

A week for the Scorpions who see opportunities you have for long not reunion, and all associated with new friends. The next day was a busy time with making money and the financial plan. Don't forget to give her a chance to rest, to relax, to recharge.

During the week, don't forget to take time for friendship, especially on Fridays, when you will have a very interesting conversation with someone and daydreaming about the romantic candlelit dating sprawl.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Dennis excitedly connect, communicate and get ready for a week of many parties, events. However, not so that you ignore the long-term plans for the job, career, and personal life. With this effort, presume you will step the step length value.

This is also the week that Sagittarius has the see more about friendship, you clearly define your goals and not cost too much time for the quirky story. If love someone, this is the moment you know you like holding hands with him going forward, or the decision to split the two reclining.

Capricorn (December 22-19/1)

A week to Ma The drive away the anxiety, the fear still exists in the hearts and toward a new life, more valuable. This is also the time that you need to put a stop to things is no longer appropriate to the present, to focus on the journey ahead. This is not easy, but you will do, and the result will deserve to be satisfied.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

The pressures vanish, favor a relaxing and pleasant week for Aquarius. This is the time you can look back at the journey went through and proud with what you achieved, whether small or large. The middle of the week, you have an intimate conversation, open minded with a character, and then the two soon found a common voice. In the week's activities, don't forget the high collective power, by which you are also easy to mount and share.

PISCES (19/2-20/3)

Conflicts arise may make Pisces have a start of a new week is not pleasant at all, don't forget that you can rely on friends, relatives and find for themselves the support, help in necessary situations. This is also the week that you have to make the difficult choices, just calm, lucid's new help you find specific solutions.

Don't forget, this is also the week to join socialactivities, meet people and enjoy the Christmas atmosphere proximity.=



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