The peculiar customs of the world

Only the tribes venerated the abdomen to a hero

According to the Bodi tribe (also called the Me'en) in the Omo Valley, Ethiopia, men bump is my dream of the women. They have an incredibly strange ritual that is the youth to drink milk and cow's blood in 6 months to have the chance to get the title fat man. After 6 months, the men must be circular stretch stature breeze and the winner will be selected. Who will be crowned champion fatty hero throughout the rest of his life.

Black tribal tattoos to laugh charm

In Thies, Senegal, the beneficial tattoos very popular black. They believe that, with the benefit being the black tattoo, they will have more attractive smile. The "beauty" of this will be done in the family's backyard and done in those conditions. To get this glamorous black, they will use a black-powder mixture is created from the process of burning oil with Shea butter. Black powder that will illuminate the benefit, then the "experts" will use sharp objects crashing constantly on benefit to retaining black. This process is repeated many times to make creating many layers of black powder cling on. The result is beneficial as black girls, Italy, accompanied by the pain of the body.

Drag to nose to wear the button

The Apatani tribe (or Tanii) living in the Valley of Ziro, Arunachal State, India has a strange way of beauty makes the opposite not shudder. That was the beauty of his turn become ugly with 2 nostrils "crisis" and malformations by dragging to canards and perforated 2 holes in it. Then, use 2 coin put into this hole as a jewelry from a young age. The knot grew according to the age of the woman. Coming of age is also at the biggest nose button. Besides, they also tattooed a line running from the forehead down to the nose and five lines on the Chin to make my face become more luốc lem. According to residents in this rules, tribes had long life. Previously, the women in the tribe often suffer other tribes in teaser, therefore, they must do so to reduce the suction power.

The stretch to wear lip disc

Surma people, southern Ethiopia has a strange way of beauty: Wear lip retractors into disk. Initially, the people of this tribe residents daughter will stretch the lips by the compact disc, after gradually increasing the magnitude of the speed of the lips. Typically, the disc has a diameter of 10 cm is pretty standard, however, there are women who wear the big disk with a diameter of up to 20 cm. To do this, they must proceed to slit lips. Next, the larger lip disks are changed to do part of their mouth more and wider. Surma people that wear lip disc as possible to the more beautiful woman.

Tiny tribes, 8 years already pregnant

Pygmy people, living scattered in the dense forests of Central Africa and focus more in tropical forests carpet the Congo was determined to be the smallest baby in the world, with a height of only 1, 2 m, maximum is 1.4 m, weighing no more than 50 kg and a lifespan of only 30-40 years. They mature early on, was the world record. One can easily identify this tribe by her little body, short legs, belly, snub and especially with the costume of the "Eva and Adam". In tribe 8, 9 years old are considered mature, be allowed to love, marriage and sexual relations, even as babies lay. The special thing is that in the age of 8, the girls were able to carry the vote. The anthropologist said that due to the lifetime too short so they allow people in the tribe maintains the same breed soon.

The "wealthy" tribes wear gold filled people still die of hunger

Ghana is still a developing country with high poverty rate, tribe Ashanti song famous with the "rich". This is shown in the block of gold worn hanging on. With the people of this tribe, yellow expresses the status, power, class, so people flock Golden cast worn on the person. They often evaluate business partners, the trust over the amount of gold wear on the people. A person wearing as much gold Ashanti proves he or she has a huge fortune. As such, also means that person is very reliable, respect to can choose to do the same cooperation. Even in families, the boys, the girls also find Ashanti spouse based on the amount of gold that guy/girl to wear on the body. The level of "gold inlaid, inlaid Silver" on who the enemy is one of the important criteria to evaluate the possibility of making a good spouse. However, the number of people very Ashanti gold can not proportional to the full extent of their lives, many residents are still living in poverty. Do not practice trade with people outside the tribe, the Ashanti only traders, gold and commodities exchanges with each other. People often do not have food to eat, even starvation, due to the supply of food is not enough at times.

The long neck tribes

Kayan tribe bordered Thailand and Myanmar still maintain Matriarchy and according to the ancient conception of beauty and as long as possible, avoiding animals and could not escape the village (Kayan women not take others villages). Every baby girl born are both villages said. The family when to congratulate brings gold to copper or as a gift. My parents are casting the bronze necklaces, when the baby up in the first round, buffet would be worn, the heavy round 0, 5 kg. Number of rounds increases every four years. From 0, 5 kg, 1 kg, 1.5 kg first, 2 kg ... Heavy weight ring means number of rounds and the height of the round of increases. The long neck due to the weight of the ring causing the shoulder and collarbone down, open joint cartilage are more quickly with a new round. So which lasted until the end of his life. Have the neck up to 7 kg in weight and number of rounds up to 40. No one is allowed to see the the neck of the heavy coils.

The "blind"

The people living in the forests of Madre (Mexico) are known with the name "blind". When their eyesight is still normal but only after about 3 months, their eyes slowly faded and the last is totally blind. This strange phenomenon causing the scientists extremely curious and wonder. Finally, after the research they've discovered this tribe were a long-tailed insects such as burning thread into the eye and lead to serious repercussions to the eyesight.

Green people in Chile:

The special pigment from when the new born makes their skin blue

The clan does not know smile in Sri Lanka

Something mysterious is the people born here have not had the nerve to laugh and also does not have the ability to laugh.

Dumb tribe in the Western forests of Bolivia

Life based mainly on hunting, the men in the clan are not know said, they communicate with each other only by a few simple gestures.

Blood tribe

The tribe Reddy Zaibu located in Northern Guinea, Mali desert still lived a primitive life, based mainly on cattle. This tribe only like to drink blood, not eating meat and often stab the cattle get a sufficient amount of blood.

The tribe views the Virgin wife is guilty

In society today, taking a white Virgin wife is a pride and proud of the gentlemen. However, the people of Uganda's tribes in Africa that a man "get right" Virgin girl is a shameful story. They said that the "experience" new bride "sufficient quality".

Sitting in jail if his relationship with his wife in on "red lights"

Man Uruguay must absolutely abstain from general conversation in crash-proofing "red lights" of his wife. If the offense is this law, he will have to sit in jail. But in return, you have to resolve physiological demand rights by finding to the girls in the brothel, but not more than 20 times in a week.=



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