The things men want to keep secret for their own

1. Number of mates so far

Some men may be exaggerating his sexual experiences with friends but never he confessed with his current lover of you that he has to "go to bed". This is obviously beneficial for him because women often are jealous, if knowing he had the relationship with the girl how are sure his lover will either jealous or suspicious he has laid.

Because you don't know who loves himself was "on the bed" with the best who should you use condoms for sex. This is the best way to protect your own health.

2. Frequency of sex movies

Most men like nhưu were like watching the movie "cool" and your guy may very well not be the exception.

But you can't detect this because apparently looked at him very moral, and seriously ... And he could never confess to you that I have viewed porn movies or not, how often to see how.

Watch the movie "cool" is not what too bad if he doesn't affect the others. But, he's afraid that if you know he has seen this film, you will assess him as indecent people, amorous lust ... and will split him right away.

3. Compare the girl with your ex girlfriend

This is the very thing the unavoidable. Whether you are more of a love affair, then certainly the moment you compare 2 his lover boy and also you will not tell his current lover know.

People love you, too. Can he compare with the former lover of physique, temperament or even bedding capacity ... and do not speak out for you. This is completely normal and can hardly blame him. The comparison doesn't mean he still loved the old man.

Just in case he has the comparison and constantly talking straight with you then you need to reconsider. So mean he doesn't respect you, not interested in your feelings, even did not know that you hurt. If he has this trend lasts, the more seriously then you should think about the separation.

4. Love your breasts for

To date, the chest is still considered sensitive parts on the woman's body and it is one of the symbols of sex. Most men back so interested in a woman's breasts, especially when she has beautiful breasts. . Whether he likes the parts on your body but the important thing is that he likes you best breasts then he dare not speak out.

Because he's afraid you think badly of him, that he's only interested in sex, not love you truly. So, whether your breasts like where to get but he still never dared to speak out.

5. Guy or fantasy about "it"

This is one of the most secret things of men and have 99% not son to confess this to you girl.

My son always imagine and wonder have thoughts in the head related to sex. But most of them will deny completely when asked any question about this secret.

Does strong factions actually but the sisters also or fantasy to "it", the song the reason certain son never became an emergency declared this truth with his daughter, including it's lover/wife they are because they are afraid the other half will misunderstand about himself, for that I am spoiled , warped, longing for "it" with a different object.

In fact, the male's fantasy about "it" part would reflect the wishes of the guy in this delicate affair. So, should you skillfully evoked, learn about what the guy has to imagine that, to comprehend more guy and together make things both desire.

6. Fret about his appearance

Women interested in shape, her skin is easy to understand. Even my sister can scream louder when a acne appears on the surface. But if men also expressed such concern, then immediately will be rated as "AI", "woman", "melodies". But here's the thing to do any real man would ... also concerned and would like to avoid.

So, whether he has seen his own look slightly fat, the skin goes bad, many acne ... you never dared to consult. He still had to make her seem not to care about the little things that in reality, the term but are very worried because people love rebellion all mixed up. bad cooking.

So, if he had a little "down" then you also don't do happened and teased or laughed with him. Show for him to see that with you this is normal and you are willing to help him become ... handsome, masculine.

7. Think about other girls when you are in your sidebar

Even two moments you are given another passionate kiss or are doing "it", a man can think of images a other women. But they ain't stupid that reveal this out with you. According to Mr. Rosy Xess-a poet of freedom to share "the will to own and love to explore the cause of men never satisfied with what I have.

Thus, even when warm salty affection for, they can still think to third. This is nothing surprising at all. "

8. Like "gossip"

Contrary to many people's thoughts that men usually hate "gossip" and spend a lot of time for more work, the fact that the guy likes to be the Center and "tell" about every topic in life that he's interested. The only problem is you have to know how to cleverly "evoke stories" makes him feel wanted to express his thoughts or not.

9. Salaries

Perhaps the question that the beard you regularly encounter is the sentence "this month's Wage was how much?". But it is also the question of "thorny" and most difficult for them.

Often men don't consider strokes so much money, but they are always hiding the answers about salaries. They can tell any great sports books with you about being a raise or a promotion but they will never be listed in detail the account of his wages.

Mr. Dipti Sahu-an expert study says "men are usually powerful and ambitious. They must compete very vigorously to get a foothold in the company. They want people to see themselves through the position and achievements have been achieved, not through salary. That is why the wife always get the answers vague and meandering about the salary of her husband ".=



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