4 dressing habits make you become flashy, poor in the eyes of others

For those who like the style of cake, skirts, skirts, cute bags or high heels are the indispensable items in the wardrobe. However, not all girls know how to mix & match them to complete a harmonious, sophisticated overall. In particular, a lot of women once fall into the scene when they lack the subtlety in choosing items to combine with each other. Here are the 4 most common coordination mistakes that cause many women to lose points in the eyes of the opposite person.

Choose all dishes with flashy colors

The striking colors, bold, feminine as pink, red, yellow, orange, . are very popular with the girls. However, they need to be very careful when choosing and combining these colors to preserve the harmony of the set. Specifically, be careful to avoid wearing items with more than three striking colors at once to limit falling into the scene of wearing cages, flashy. Safest, the girls just choose a dish with striking colors mixed with a neutral dish to get a pretty standard appearance.

The set of gaudy costumes will make her style become more confused and inferior.

Stay away from wearing instant dresses with too many striking colors, to avoid falling into bad scenes.

Mix items covered with floral motifs together

Thought the ton-sur-ton combination is to get the overall set of standard food but in fact, the appearance of items covered with floral motifs will immediately change the style of her becomes cheesy, less luxurious. Not to mention, the large, colorful flower motifs also accidentally made the girls look extremely gaudy. That's why girls should be limited to coordinating floral-covered items. Suggestions for girls is to choose smooth, neutral colors, elegant to coordinate with items covered with floral motifs.

The items covered with floral motifs when combined together will create an extremely confusing overall.

The girls will immediately fashion disaster if combining the items covered with floral motifs together in a bluff.

The map has too many decorative details such as fat, attached bow, .

Certainly the items with the design of a shrimps or bow tie always occupy the hearts of the girls. However, in order to preserve the sophistication and trendiness for the style, the girls should refrain from wearing a set with too many decorative details. Not only are they distracting, but more importantly, they also make the set look cumbersome, flamboyant, especially with textured dishes or striking colors.

The costumes are designed with too many ruffled details, making the style of people cheesy and light.

Please pay special attention when choosing the dress model immediately attached with too many decorative details.

Too much jewelry: rings, necklaces, earrings, bracelets

The jewelry is indeed capable of adding a sense of elegance and elegance to your style. However, not having to dress up as much jewelry will make your girls' style more enhanced! On the contrary, wearing too much jewelry also makes the appearance of women become confused and extremely poor. Therefore, consider the amount of jewelry that they combine in one set, the safest is 2-3 items, to preserve the trendy appearance.

The use of too many jewelry makes her style become more confused.

Please limit the number of accessories in 2-3 items to preserve the trendy, luxurious appearance.



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