How to wear black clothes that are both beautiful and luxurious for ladies may not be known

Create a highlight

You can unleash your creativity with the colors of your accessories, which will make your simple black or white-black outfit an unforgettable impression. A vivid clutch, hat or high-heeled shoes will stand out on the monochrome outfit.

Don't wear tight

Inherently black has a sense of slender, you do not need to choose stylish clothes that tighten your body to look thinner. That only reveals the shortcomings of your physique. Wearing a fit or slightly black dress / black pants / black jacket will be much more elegant.

Prioritize a variety of materials

Combining different materials in the same outfit all black will create an interesting block effect. For example, you can wear cotton pants with a silk shirt, or a suede skirt combined with a satin shirt and a cashmere wool coat. For accessories, sophisticatedly designed black leather-heeled handbags and handbags always match the all-black outfit.

Monochrome is the best

A beautiful way of combining things is always fashionable, elegant and suitable for all people: coordinating white and black. Investing in monochrome outfits with high quality materials is always worth it, they help you look like the queen.

Asymmetric rules

Black is the best color to create asymmetrical lines or exaggerate sharp curves of the body.

Black needs perfection

This is the most important principle: black does not accept any negligence or negligence. When wearing black clothes, the hair is clumsy and unkempt, the eyes lacking sleep without hiding with concealer or pale face will not be pathetic many times. If you don't have time to wash your hair or your face has a few spots, choose another color instead of black. Otherwise you will feel lack of confidence throughout the day.

Choose the style of makeup

Black makes you look older than you really are if you don't wear makeup. When make up make-up adorn your real glittering eyes, and you don't have to wear red lipstick, you should use light, youthful lipstick colors.

The face needs to be fresher

Black color fused with 'winter' skin tone (light skin and brown hair, black). If your subcutaneous tone belongs to the 'warm' tone (those in the 'spring' motif with pale hair, dark skin and many freckles), the black outfit will make your face look pale and tired. The secret of beautiful clothes to avoid that is to add bright, vibrant color details to the face, such as: shawls, turban towels, shirts, collars, shirt pins, etc. They will 'light bright 'your face immediately up.

Coordinate with other colors

Forget the 'black can only go with white or red' rule. All colors in common with black look very stylish: purple, gray, green, blue, all colors!

The back of the ceiling creates a highlight

Not too ostentatious but still attractive enough to make your heart beat, that's what black outfits can bring you back. Always remember that elegant and sexy can still appear in the same woman.

Increase accessories

Sophisticated belts and handbags made from high-quality leather material will exaggerate the noble and sharp features of the whole black costume. Metal studs, gem rings, jewelry in gold, silver, pearls are small but equally important details, helping your outfit not be boring but becomes subtle to attract all light look.

Ren is a powerful weapon

Black lace has a special power to influence the imagination of men. It can help a woman who looks both gentle and cynical and sexy. Black lace costumes are even more wonderful when worn with costumes, accessories made of leather or felt fabric, knitted fabric.



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