Learn the airport style of Korean female stars who are both simple and stylish

When striding on a red carpet or going to an event, Korean stars often wear expensive, gorgeous outfits that people can only watch, but are hard to learn and get inspired. However, in the ordinary moments, especially when appearing at the airport, the beauties of kimchi are addicted to simple and comfortable items but still ensure fashion, even creating a trend. And that is also the reason, you should look more closely at the airport style of Korean female stars because surely, you will draw quite a few ways to choose and mix trendy items, typically 4 formulas below. here.

1. Shirt + wide pants / jeans

The shirt, which is a classic item, never fails, but above all, this style is very comfortable (especially when oversized) and absolutely elegant, ensuring the image of Korean stars entering the lens. of the reporter or the most polite, polite fan.

Korean female stars often mix shirts with loose tube pants, neatly packed and high-heeled shoes, this combo helps to perfect the fashionable, feminine appearance and also exudes a luxurious, ideal for you to learn ask, apply in workplace environment. If simply walking around the street, the pair of shirts + jeans is also a great suggestion from Korean female stars.

2. Shirt / blouse + skirt legs

How do you like the shirt / blouse + skirt pair, Korean beauties are also attracted to this combo and are so enthusiastic. Compared to midi skirts, Korean female stars seem to favor shorter skirt legs, perhaps because this item is not only youthful and dynamic, showing off the advantage of slender legs but also "hacking" height very well.

3. T-shirt + skirt / jeans

It is not difficult to realize, the T-shirt's coverage is as strong as the shirt, and also thanks to the comfort, youthful and trendy of this item. Korean female stars can wear T-shirts in a variety of ways, but the most popular are 2 T-shirts + jeans and T-shirts + skirt legs.

A rare item with a light and cool appearance, as well as a silky, luxurious look like silk READ NOW If you combine a t-shirt with a jeans, you will get a stylish, dusty set when replacing with a skirt, looks suddenly become more feminine, sweeter. And yet, these 2 formulas are also ideal for you to look through during the summer, even through the fall and not bored.

4. Skirt immediately

Feminine, sweet and very comfortable, seamless dresses are of course indispensable in the work of Korean female stars on the airport. Their choices are also quite varied, from two-string skirts, shirts to short skirts, but they all have in common the youthful, trendy and easy to learn.



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