Shirts guys - the wear-and-wear item still never fades for girls

As one of the items that are too familiar with women, shirts are therefore no longer able to retain the attraction of the invasion of a series of other new fads.

Many ladies now seem to be indifferent when it comes to shirts, the reason is that they have so many more fashionable and stylish choices that they do not have to worry about being slandered at work like Every days.

But do not rush to turn your back on guys' shirts, because there are 4 popular ways to wear that will definitely please you:

1. Outerwear coat

The uneasy advantage of shirts is that they can both be used as a regular shirt and can be used as outerwear but still extremely fashionable and stylish. This year, to make the classic shirts look new, wear them outside a neutral-colored shirt like white, cream, write and combine with the skirt or shorts, you will create a set The couple is both strong and feminine.

2. Sexy style

Nowadays, shirts are often associated with dynamic images, rarely seen as items that help create sexiness. But you will be the one who changes that concept, by choosing for yourself the lopsided shirt shapes, showing off slender bare shoulders, graceful green collar bones, and erasing the inherent notions of people about a manly, less gentle style. Of course, don't abuse this way too much, because something just right is easier to sympathize than to exceed the limit.

3. Choose a shirt with fashionable details

It is also a shirt but instead of the traditional style that everyone has, the ladies can choose for themselves more fashionable clothes, with prevailing details such as square necks, drawstring, bulging hands . Textures classic but tasting modern details will definitely make shirts more attractive, no longer boring.

4. Return to the formulas that never fail

One of the reasons for shirts who have never lost their status, is the timeless classic beauty, rarely fad. So, there is no need for many tricks, just coordinating shirts according to the most basic formulas, such as jeans, mini skirt legs, you look pretty good enough. It is important that you choose for yourself the type of shirt that fits the shape, the skin texture, even if you do not need much variation, shirts also make you shine.



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