The election for her through every stage of pregnancy

1. Phase 1 (first month-January 3rd)

The secret vote the first stage (from the first month to month 3) essential sister genus because it not only bring beauty to the mother but also help you feel more comfortable in his clothes. The first stage but still don't have much belly but the breasts begin to stretch out to make the vote she felt uncomfortable.

During this period she elected should have a jeans pants, t-shirts, vote vote t-shirts, jackets, t-shirts, sweaters, long sleeve misses hand, internal medicine and indispensable to the dress. Depending on the work activities that she can choose to vote for her fashion she elected to the period from June 1-3 for the match.

2. Phase 2 (June 4th-June 6th)

This period is the period of time "pleasant" for during the time when you are no longer suffering with bouts of sickness the first time, nor too "heavy" like coming. At this time mom's belly, elected also began to gradually up and you should also start building yourself a luxury fashion thanks to đằm beauty full of advantages. Here is what should the party shop this page more during this time.

She elected the following outfits such as: cold in width for sweaters, skirts, overalls, jeans, pajamas, medicine cabinet vote. With the outfits she can wear to work or vote for a walk. You will become a she elected to fashion if know how to combine the costumes. Cook you think pregnancy will no longer fashion anymore then you're completely wrong.

3. Phase 3 (November 7th-9th month)

In the last months of pregnancy, the mother's clothes should be comfortable election end of the level. So, let's focus on the soothing fabric quality, scale font support to the abdomen as the "giant".

The indispensable items for this pregnancy stage is her election t-shirts, pullover pants wide she elected, BRA, bathrobe, spacious Kit. She elected to fashion this simple stage that's all but requires the she elected to always pay attention to comfort and to make it safe for the baby.=



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