Tip Use the chest sticker not know

Chest patch is a variations of bra with straps and strings section Austria was reduced design. It is considered the "magic underwear", as "rescue" wing for women when an map. Chest pads help you be more confident, especially when an the crank cord skirt, shirt, what "cool" ... without fear of being divulged sensitive or bra.

Typically, breast pads are made from silicon, but there are also some types of fabric are made of foam, sucking ... with many varied sizes. In addition to the effect of hidden sensitive part, some sort of chest patch is still quite thick and eyeglass frames suck the buffer sections, capable of helping, shape, help you get fuller double mountain. Next to it is also kind of small chest patch, cover the United States, with many outcrops part designs such as circles, flowers or stars.

Understanding the risk

Although can help siblings have rounded chest full of stereotypes, however attractive the "magic" this also caused many tribulations, even cause serious impact to the body and health of women.

Due to be made from the material cause, not sweat absorbent as porous silicon, ... are pasted directly into the chest should chest patch can cause mysterious status of technology, discomfort, itchiness, redness, allergy, irritation ... especially in the hot, humid day. Even, it also triggers the condition co pull, stretch the chest, affect the health and work efficiency.

In the long term, the use of chest patch will cause the bacteria, dirt accumulation, damage the skin double mountains. It is the causes of many diseases.

In the opinion of the experts, using regular chest sticker can lead to many dangerous diseases such as allergic dermatitis, acute occlusion pores, inflammation, milk glands rules cracking early breast ...

It causes many unpleasant symptoms such as itching, inflammation, redness, pimples, drip edema ... doing so much influence to daily living and our work. Even if the developed lesions deep inside the dermis, it also leads to thick pus flowing infection, acne, flaky skin ... makes the treatment more difficult.

Select product quality and reputation

The market has sold a lot of breast pads more with many styles of design. However the management of the quality of all the products is very difficult so the user must pay attention. So buy the accessories of this beauty in prestigious shops, have posted quality check with the relevant authorities to avoid the procession of diseases to people. If you feel uncomfortable or itchy body should stop using.

The downside of this type of bra is replacing the sticker will cause feeling hot, and easily makes the chest injury for not being fixed.

How to use the

To avoid the problem of Austria fell out due to no support, you need the chest hygiene clean and dry before wearing, not topical cream, chalk or spray perfume. Austria also should be cleaned after each use in order to take away most oily substances, ensure speed stick.

Best to wash clean, then wipe dry the chest with a towel to remove dirt, sweat and oil on the skin. Then, standing in front of the mirror to be easily observed when wearing the patch, apply a side result of Austria in the chest at the same time the two handle pieces to the rim of a bra.

Fixed position of the result in part of the chest should shield (note the tilt angle 45 degrees should put in comparison with the vertical split on either side of the chest, thumb head fin miết to edge Austria's firmly attached to the skin of the chest.

Repeat this action with the remaining coat fruit. Note edit carefully so that the two parties result Austria equal height with each other.

Then relevant set of two parties result Austria together. Put both hands up two results, strong shirt for a few seconds to fixed position of the brassiere.

Embellishing the last bra for fit with the shape of the map. When did wearing done that still feel not fit tight chest, as expected, the sisters do not hesitate to remove the shirt and wear it again.

If you have to wear the shirt again several times, you should remember to coat dry before wearing, avoiding the steam condition do adhesion of Austria.

With the first patch ngựcbạn also use similar, just set up the "née flowers" stars for fits and stick 2 stickers, and fixed them within seconds so that the edge of the border stick top hugging his chest.

If want to create deep chest sexyslots, please paste the 2 Austrian party far more than normal. When unplug, traction makes the two pressed into each other, creating stronger banks as she wishes.

To create the effect of chest full of stress, she elected to just wear a bra is higher than his real chest part. Bottom half part of the bra is made thinner than the top half so they will be easy harmony with redundant double mountain section below without creating any marks on the outer coat.

After several uses, the adhesion of the bra can decrease due to dirt, you can wash the shirt to keep using more effectively for the future.

Cleaning Guide Austria

Wet shirt. Set up your Palm, using a little SOAP to have mild detergent. On the other hand massage the round to clean. Do not use nails or hair scarf, wet brush to clean the shirt because that will affect the adhesion effect.

Wash SOAP on the clothes, clean light off standing water and put Austria in the clean, airy place to dry natural coat. The best should put Austria on the flat mesh. Absolutely no hooks or clamps, hangers.

When the coat has dried completely, please paste the pieces of clean plastic adhesive to the surface. Put the shirt back on, cover the box to avoid dirt and colliding.

Do not use a washing machine, dryer.

Do not use cotton towel, a paper towel to wipe off the adhesive surface of the jacket.


-Before using to wipe and leave to dry the skin before pasting.

-Glue the pieces can use well in water and used in normal environments are very long.

-If sweating several days should rather sweat salt, stick in the glue is very annoying when pasting.

-When using the paste should not be too high should only paste reached a desired breast enhancement needed, avoiding offensive for the first round.

-When the paste should skillfully because glue pieces quite thin.=



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