Top costume indispensable for winter furniture cabinets

Basic white shirt

Because of the convenience and easy to combine for many styles, from classic to chick, no wonder when the basic white shirt topped the charts in the costumes of the sisters we. A simple tuxedo neck white shirt can combine a flexible way for you to "customized" in more style. Matching white shirts with jeans and oxford shoes for classic looks. Skillfully forced the tie shirts, combined with the high converse shoes and the Scorpions in the short, looks you will truly dynamic. More than feet blazer jacket pencil skirt for office attire.

Doll shoe soles by

Compact, handy and brings feminine looks for people to go, longer wait without immediate additional doll shoes with soles on your shoes cabinets? Doll shoes variations into many diverse styles: doll doll, open sandals, sporty doll ... However, the downside of this lovely shoes come from the heels with it. The sisters own modest height will hesitate when choosing shoes for her doll. Try the low heels have dolls double 3-5 cm long, gentle, dynamic looks that still guarantees us a pair of legs "smoother".

Layering sweaters

Item indispensable in every fall East of the fashionista is layering color sweater and layers of fabric. Apply the wool layering are worn with jeans and sneaker shoes boyfriend for dynamic appearance. So did the costumes for the first customer downloads? The same color shirts layering sweaters pastel baggy pants, high heels and the Scorpions will render you confidence up a lot!

Pencil skirts

One of the costumes for "rescue" the effect of our sisters, especially for the oversized bodied girl or owned modest height. Pencil skirts will help you "cheat" the height and looks much more slender. Legs dark pencil skirt, shirt and blazer would be effective "formula" for the sisters to the Office every morning wake up late, not enough time to choose a set map fussy. Neon fabric pencil skirts or metallic, combined with high heels hottrend copper luster in 2013, will charm you and stand out in any party!

Leather jackets

Not only warm the body effect that the leather jacket is also the "symbol" of fashion, remains very active and energetic, charming. You can walk the streets with t-shirts with smooth leather jacket, jeans and boots, the simple but still very trendy. Or try an other suggestions also unattractive of Phunutoday: coats and intermittent hot bodycon combined with high heeled shoes.

Dressing gowns

Can not doubt about the presence of oversize coats in this chart. The oversize jacket looks hard to match the outfit but the truth ... in reverse. Just a basic shirts go with jeans and ankle-high boots the Scorpions to the classic, elegant appearance; or wearing oversize jackets outside a cocktail for the dinner's cold.

High heels nude colour

A nude colour heels are "must-have" not only in the winter which is a four-season wardrobe. High heels nude to help the Sisters "cheat the height" is extremely effective.

Tote box bags

Simple, elegant! If you are the adherents of the movement "vintage" or "retro", it is the accessories that cannot be ignored in the autumn of 2013 East this year. Along with a laundry bag (bags do not have straps, mouth folded like a ... Pack), tote bag is made of rain do wind on the international catwalk. A handy bag can go to school, go to work, picnics, even when you go ... super market, waiting for something that does not own the right stuff to be the faithful fashion spurring hunt this time!

Austria-dress shirts

Dress shirts as the name of it: a long skirt with shirt collar section above. Dress shirt to create the appearance of "late ripe" very seductive high heels shoes with basic. But it is also easy to "customized" page to uniform when combined together, blazer or vest buttons closed stock created classic and elegant looks for the sisters.

Waiting without supplements right into lockers winter 2013 the item that you are not there or are still figuratively weigh?=



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