Watch extreme fashion style of Yang Ling

Yang Ling-chen the third foot on the marriage of Tokio-really is a beauty. Nice person ever crowned Miss Vietnam photogenic 2006 year was 30 years old. But when standing next to the nice person 9 x not you something about splendid beauty and youthful looks.

Yang Ling parallel operation of two actor and role model. With dashing face, slender body and waist Ant Ling, Yang wore something also nice. However, the beauty of not pursuing the way of dress to chảnh, picky and sexy of the other showbiz stars. She chose a minimalist style, with the basic colors and little vignettes. So that Yang Ling life featured by chic looks always and subtle as the star international.

Along soi the eye-catching fashion set when the child steps out the Tokio's lines:

Maxi skirt

Yang Ling are adherents of the maxi skirt. She owns several dozen easy to the maxi, maxi dress maxi dresses to foot from bohemieng. Miss way creates a difference in the life of this popular dress is choosing simple but stylish, fancy color or texture of the opposition but subtle.

Elegant garment

Yang Ling favored the outer jacket blazer, vest or long-form cadigan. She has the qualities of a fashionita when mixed them with pants, jeans or shorts hug treking brand.

The glasses and hat

The glasses and Hat are the two components are never lacking when Yang Ling out of the road. Collection of eye glasses and fashion hats with dark colors, mostly of people who loved Tokio led the public to relentlessly for its elegant and luxurious.

Yang Ling is currently of particular interest by American film starring role the Sai staff. The same noisy love affair with Diva Tokio overseas, Yang Ling anywhere were noted. It is probably one of the more perfect beauties and highlights each time step out city.=



The trend

Office fashion

Wedding dresses




Natural beauty


How to cure

Weight loss

Love room


Raising children





Bride mother-in-law

