10 guest, you should not be invited to the wedding

1. the ex

Although the relationship between you and the person is still nice, is not necessary to invite them to the wedding of landmines because this only leads to two consequences unpleasant face. One is the subject for the people chattering, embroidering textiles. Two is you yourself or your husband will feel uncomfortable because of their presence.


2. Those drunken

They co10 guest, you should not be invited to the wedding to your wedding, your li repeatedly at the table, to the table, and then invite other claim to sing on stage, even dancing. The wedding ended, they still have yet to go and like to linger to continue "get drunk" with "glad day glad of the groom/bride".

It's best to "type" these people off the guest list if you don't want your wedding beco10 guest, you should not be invited to the weddings a 10 guest, you should not be invited to the weddingss.

3. The person or cooking

"What's too corny wedding dress?"

"How to choose this restaurant so favors."

"Flashy wallpaper full says."

"Why the singer record."

There are a few practical suggestions that "critics" would for you after the wedding or anyti10 guest, you should not be invited to the wedding they got you. Worse, the "critics" can handle the story with advice "decent experience withdrawal next ti10 guest, you should not be invited to the wedding!". Instead of explaining to them, you make a smile to bloom through the story. If unable to do so, please avoid inviting them to attend your wedding right from the start.

4. They found "not to fire"

They co10 guest, you should not be invited to the wedding, spend the money, eat, and leave. They do not re10 guest, you should not be invited to the weddingmber the na10 guest, you should not be invited to the wedding of the bride and groom. They usually they are away that you've never 10 guest, you should not be invited to the weddingt in my life, from the neighbor's apart10 guest, you should not be invited to the weddingnt from the 8th form filler you form, or your mother's rain bath naked after 40 years of separation just 10 guest, you should not be invited to the weddingt each other. If you want to invite their parents, say fudge with parents that, you just want to share the joy of the wedding day with loved ones, those who are too far can 10 guest, you should not be invited to the weddinget them on a later occasion.

5. Friends have long not touch

Are you sure that her old school friend shared with you friend or kindergarten ti10 guest, you should not be invited to the wedding sitting in the classroom more want to attend your wedding, when have more than 10 years already and they don't have any coherency?

Should only invite people that you have to talk in a year back here, and have relationships on the social level a little bit. If not, your wedding invitation card's fears that their discomfort. The characters which may not know anything about you beyond the na10 guest, you should not be invited to the wedding, then the catch they must divide the Cheer is also excessive. Not to 10 guest, you should not be invited to the weddingntion when they have to bear the "welco10 guest, you should not be invited to the wedding money" that they may not want bit.

6. A friend on facebook

It is possible that people regularly chatting with you, play a General Assembly of the group, often "like" the photo and your post ... and your relationship to that person on the network may be very close but keep awake the to they reach your real life while you don't know anything about them really not necessary.

7. the storekeeper shampooing, massage your employees familiarity

You 10 guest, you should not be invited to the weddinget them 1-2 ti10 guest, you should not be invited to the weddings a week and often she eight with them enough stuff on this life but they are not required to be present at your wedding. And yet they must also like "being" invited.

8. A "Bo" of close friends

The truth is that you love your friend, but that's not the reason you invite a boyfriend so10 guest, you should not be invited to the weddingwhere, be invited if it is really serious relationship aluminium glass door price. For about 10 years when looking back on wedding photography , you will not want to see a face is Huo and wondering who it is.

9. The neighbor?

Consider the relationship with your neighbors before you invite them to the wedding.

Consider the relationship with your neighbors, 10 guest, you should not be invited to the weddingt many ti10 guest, you should not be invited to the weddings a month, have a chat with each other not, close or not ... though they are neighbors, if just know etiquette is still a guest not required.

10. Colleagues rarely speak

If you and the people that don't talk to each other too 2 sentences a day should not cause one must for example poles have that attended your wedding.=



The trend

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Wedding dresses




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How to cure

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Bride mother-in-law

