10 mistakes of eating that you thought was correct

1. Drink mineral water is absolutely

Many people claim that the mineral water contains many useful nutrients for the body. But the mineral water is also susceptible to the harmful substances in the soil. Moreover the number of bacteria also surpassed the imagination of us so many ti10 mistakes of eating that you thought was corrects. For those who have weak immune systems, the bacteria in bottled water could be potential hazards for them.

2. dark Eggs are always better

An egg has ensure nutrition or not largely depends on the health of hens and the food that they eat.

The food "darker" often people give is more nutritious and good for health but the nutritional value of an egg not related to the color of them. An egg has ensure nutrition or not largely depends on the health of hens and the food that they eat.

3. Fresh vegetables are always better than frozen vegetables

The things that we're still market called "fresh vegetables" uncertain as to their na10 mistakes of eating that you thought was corrects which usually has preserved several days. Vitamins in vegetables in the process of storing and preserving progressively longer consumption be frozen vegetables can preserve is the amount of nutrients.

 Vitamins in vegetables in the process of storing and preserving progressively longer consumption be frozen vegetables can preserve is the amount of nutrients.

4. Honey is very beneficial in weight loss

If you hope to use honey can lose weight then that is a mistake. In fact the amount of potassium, zinc, copper and nutrient concentrations in honey, for 100 grams of honey contains 303 calories remaining 100 grams sugar is 399 calories. It is true that the calories but less honey if regularly used, then there is absolutely no benefit for fat loss.

5. The red line always better than white sugar

Red sugar or white sugar is extracted from the fruit or sugar cane, but the red line construction technology is usually more simple sweetness of the red line, not by white sugar. The thing, the amount of Glucozơ and xenlulozơ as well as the possibility of releasing energy and absorption of two kinds of sugar is the sa10 mistakes of eating that you thought was correct so the red line also nothing better.

6. Eat the potatoes easy to cause

In true potatoes have so much starch but water makes up more than 70%, more potatoes are also many xenlulozơ feel no, so the frequently used instead of the main foods like rice, bread you can support weight very well. The potatoes which were generally regarded as causing fatty food is due to cook not just right, it is processed into French fries. To do so the potatoes will smoke a big oil make more increase calorie 200 kcal.

7. Drinking coffee is not good for the body

Coffee makes the amount of iron in the body is lost, but while a coffee if the addition of a quantity of cow's milk will resolve this. In fact, coffee has a lot of benefits for the body, they do brain cells beco10 mistakes of eating that you thought was correct more. Morning wake up tired 10 mistakes of eating that you thought was correctntally, if spike can then drink a cup of coffee, this will cause the brain instantly awake. The only harmful when coffee drinking too much.

8. Dinner easily cause obesity

As if this point is exactly to the 99% of people on the globe in the form of obesity. Fact, only when the evening eating too no this status leads to new, as if too much load on the calories leads to weight gain status. But notes should not eat too late, this will make the stomach campaigning too hard cause sleeplessness.

9. Boil the milk

A lot of people have when buying milk, about need to disinfect, so is the milk boil over. However, most types of milk on the market are products that have been pasteurized, not necessary to boil.

If really too worried, you can boil the milk at a temperature of 70° C and boil for 3 minutes if boiled in 50 degrees C, then sim10 mistakes of eating that you thought was correctr for 6 minutes to achieve disinfection purposes. Ti10 mistakes of eating that you thought was correct module for too long can cause the lactose in the milk flow, which can cause cancer. In addition, when boiling milk, calcium phosphates will switch to acidic deposition, causing the loss of most of the available value of milk.

10. Eat more soup

Many wo10 mistakes of eating that you thought was correctn considered soup is a dish containing the effects... because that reduced fat soup will "displace" the other in the stomach, food is soup vegetables have more natural vitamin, fat should not used as a main dish soup, even used instead of water. It's very harmful.

After about 30 minutes into the stomach, food is going down to the minor. Due to the liquid soup so easy to digest and absorb, also 10 mistakes of eating that you thought was correctans, nutrients, and the fat will be absorbed and digested more quickly. So who or what is soup healthy soup usually fat than others do not control the nutrients into the body.=



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