11 great tips or to identify pure honey

1. Use egg yolk chicken

Real honey-pure honey will do nine chicken egg yolk, honey or headlights don't do chicken egg yolk was cooked!

2. Use of water

One of the effective ways to check the purity of the honey is poured a spoonful of honey into the cup of water.

One of the effective ways to check the purity of the honey is poured a spoonful of honey into the cup of water. If the honey melts, then it's not pure because it has been mixed with water. If pure honey, it will create an intergalactic does not fall in the cup of water.

3. try Burning

Honey is a flammable object. Use a candle and a the cotton Wicks. A DAB of honey onto the Wicks and put up on the fire. If Wicks started the fire then it is pure honey. If not then mean there is water in the honey.

4. Check the paper

Pour a drop of honey onto the paper. If honey has any contaminants would, the paper will absorb the honey. The case of honey is pure, then it will not be absorbent and is still on the paper.

5. check cloth

Pour a few drops of honey on a cloth. Pure honey will seep. Besides, can also check out more by washing the fabric pieces have permeability of honey. If not find any stains on it then the honey is pure.

6. Try using heat

You may have heard that honey is not heated up because the temperature can make it become toxic. However there is no scientific evidence for this. So the heat can be used for testing. When heated up a little, pure honey will turn into ca-ra-men while honey Alder will bubble.

7. Use the bread to try

If honey make hard bread up then it is pure honey. If there are any impurities within honey, cake will become wet and sank because the moisture of water mixed in honey.

8. The Smell by the nose

Basically, if not pure honey will smell sour.

Basically, if not pure honey will smell sour. Looked at with the naked eye will also see white foam inside.

Meanwhile, pure honey has a light smell subtle impact on our senses.

9. Check by alcohol

Please pour one part alcohol or alcohol and honey with equal proportions into a Cup. Pure honey will definitely form a block while the honey will be diluted. If honey is not pure, you will see a milky white fluid after doing this experiment.

10. Use chopsticks for stirring

Use a clean stir chopstick, if in honey have other substances mixed in, you'll see solid colours show up.

Use a clean stir chopstick, if in honey have other substances mixed in, you'll see solid colours show up, did not have genuine honey phenomenon.

11. Based on the clock

This sounds very interesting, but in fact, this test is not related to the clock. But many people believe that this method can help them identify pure honey. Drop a spoonful of honey packaging into a cup of honey. Then, pour it in a pot. If honey falls according to clockwise, it is pure honey.=



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