11 taboo table position to focus the child study

Study influence to the mood-especially the little kid. A balanced environ11 taboo table position to focus the child studynt and clean will help baby focus and study more effectively. So, let's consider the positions should and should not put the baby's desk.

1. Just like every person who always need a person behind the child support also need sense of security while studying. A solid wall behind the school would symbolize the help from you. If behind the back clear, it will attract the harmful gas flow leads to a myriad of minor human kind guys stabbing sneaks behind you. The baby will encounter more rough when focusing study to reach high achieve11 taboo table position to focus the child studynts.

Don't put your child's school desk opposite and close to the wall because it symbolizes the obstacles in your path.

2. do not put your child's school desk opposite and close to the wall because it symbolizes the obstacles in your path. It is best to always have a blank space the front desk and the wall to welco11 taboo table position to focus the child study the good opportunity.

3. the school is not to directly opposite to the door because it will be affected by the unstable gas flow. Will the baby or startled, xao nhãng or feel like to go play outside instead of in the ho11 taboo table position to focus the child study study.

4. Avoid sitting opposite the window because it will make people feel unsafe and also attract those who specialized in human urine ' crashing was paddy, Pierce was the rice '.

5. Avoid mounting fixtures on the top. Not the bright young eyes caused overcapacity but also causing heat as well as unnecessary pressure.

6. do not put the school in the middle of the room. It embodies the loneliness and receive no support from the 4.

7. do not put the desk opposite and close the window because the external environ11 taboo table position to focus the child studynt will distract our children and could not concentrate on his academic work.

8. Do not insert the Bookshelf, angular sharp bookshelves near the study area.

Do not insert the Bookshelf, angular sharp bookshelves near the study area.

9. Do not let the arrow shaped images or long, pointed objects to study.

10. If the study can only be arranged at the corner of the room, then fix by hanging wind bells were to absorb the gas, erase the accumulation of gas.

11. Do not insert air conditioner blow so11 taboo table position to focus the child studywhat straight down the school because the cold will cause children to suffer headaches and not concentrate when studying.=



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